Oct 27, 2003 11:48
A livejournal. Jo had it lying around and wasn't using it at all so here I am. Probably not using it alot more. But I like it. I wish I could make it a little bit prettier, but I have my Jenna picture over there to keep me happy for a while. I'll tell you about my dream last night. We were drcing down the road (?) when I saw this huuuge poster advertising jenna's new movie, for some reason it had been released commercially. Not porn, just really rude. And I got overexcited and ended up going to see it at the playboy mansion. Half way through this dream it turned out I was Jenna (again ?) and I rmember hnging out with Briana and a few other nameless hot porn stars and taking photos of weird playboy mansion-type things (there were midgets for some reason) and I ran into Heff and he didn't know who the heck Jenna was. But I followed him into the men's toilet, hoping to shag him I think (ew) but it turned into this weird maze-like dream. Wow. Fabulous. But we ended up with looooads of cool photos. Most pornographic. Ah then I woke up and became depressed.
Although it is my birthday tomorrow! Send Jenna Jameson nudes to: rocksteady671@hotmail.com. Thank you and good night.