Jan 28, 2006 22:10
I absolutely love the way I am. I think.
I love my face, sometimes. Today I was with mike and I was looking at myself in the mirror and I was happy. And when I sucked my stomach in, I was happy..
But lately, whenever Mike and I hand out, he's been getting very touchy-feely. He says that I'm perfect, but now that someone else is getting closer to me, and I can't hide my flaws, I've been panicking. I feel as though I'm not as pretty enough for him to show off. This is probably just something to do with my bipolar issue. I haven't been taking medicine, it makes you fat. But I've been doing something stupid.
My uncle and aunt makes jokes about how I eat. Amanda and Mike make jokes about it too now. I eat a lot, and I have a fast metabolism, but I'm starting to think that's not enough. Also, Amanda was calling me ugly and fat last night as a joke, and when I said "yeah I'm so sure I'm ugly and fat", she went into a rant about how I should stop being so sure of myself and stuff. She really went into about how I'm not pretty and whatnot.
I am happy with how I am and how I look, but I want to better. I want to me drop dead knock out, look at that girl, kinda thing..
I want to lose all my fat, yet keep my boobs. Any idea how to do so?