Jan 21, 2006 13:43

Not that I believe in fate, but let's pretend for a moment that it does exist, in this case, FATE would have it that I not enjoy life currently, that I die an awful stress related death, that I fail my classes, and that I get kicked out into the cold snowy streets of Heidelberg (we don't really have snow right now).

Okay, first, I have a love hate relationship with libraries, and when I say love-hate, I really mean just hate. Libraries stress me out, I don't know why, they just do.

Thursday I didn't make it to the library, as I made quite clear in my last entry, so I had planned on going Friday after class, which I did. I went in and I brought my application for the library card and everything seemed like it would be going smoothely.

Once I actually found where I needed to go, (Geradeaus, Rechts und am Rechts) is much more helpful when I know the name of what I am looking for, perhaps people assume that I would know? Anyway, eventually I figured that out, but then I was told that I needed to come back with my housing contract, matriculation information, and my firstborn child. I went back and had some food, talked to Noelle, and decided to head back to the library. Apparently it closes at 3:30 on Fridays... I arrived at 3:40.

Okay, awesome, now it is Friday afternoon and I have no plans other than studying and reading (which I cannot do). I missed the bus I would have taken by 1 minute, so I decided I'd just walk the hauptstraße to wind down a bit. I get halfway down and I see a Friseur (hairstylist) and think, shit, I am gonna get my hair cut! So, I stop in there, pick out a haircut from a book, and I sit down to get my hair cut. I didn't get a wash (though I adore them) because I figured it would cost more. I am glad that I told her to keep it a little longer (compared to the picture) because she definitely cut it almost as short as in the picture, probably not purposefully. I also decided that since it was basically freezing cold outside that I should just get it styled for the sake of having it dried. I figured, hey, this woman doesn't have a mullet, it can't be bad. So, she then dries my hair with a round brush so that it is completely flipped out, and with all the layers, it is huge... no volume at the roots, just alll kinds of hugeness. Okay, fine... whatever... then she flips my bangs out too. Wow, my hair was a much shorter version of Charlie's Angels (the original). She then gets a mirror, looking very pleased, and tells me I look like "Marrhhafnn mmmebfnffadh" and I looked kind of confused and she asks, "Kennst du MMMmadjhfmmmmdsfjhaj Mmdhfjahfmeoor?" And I was like... uh, no? Then she actually speaks clearly and says "Mariryn Monroe" and I was like, ohhhhh, danke. Nope, I don't look like Marilyn Monroe. Anyway, I thanked and asked how much I owed and she asked if I was a student, I was excited at this point, thinking I would get some deal, but she was like, "25 Euro" and I was like, okay, that is the sign it says on the outside for women's haircuts... that's not a deal. Lame. Oh well, that is what I paid to get the largest, most hairsprayed hair EVER.

I then headed toward the Bismarckplatz to catch a bus, but not too far down I got a phone call, the phone call turned out to be Josh (also from the oregon program) who happened to be in Heidelberg with his boyfriend Marco. They were bored and wanted to hang out I guess, so I went and met them at the Palmbräu and we ended up going back to my place (which I really hadn't wanted to do, since my room was a huge mess (and still is). We ended up having tea and playing Kniffel (Yahtzee) and then they checked times for a train and ran to catch a bus, but not before having a tickle fight? Aak. Anyway, that was interesting. I think Josh really wanted some deep dark secret to slip out but I don't have any. He kept asking all sorts of questions, and I was just thinking... really? Okay... whatev. Anyway, after they left I suddenly felt like complete shit, my back was aching and I just don't even know what else. I was talking to people online and stuff, but I ended up going to bed at like... 10 pm. Yeah, that was Friday night.

This morning I woke up and felt much better, but I had to go to the library first thing, I set my alarm for 8:30 but decided to just sleep a little longer, what can it hurt, right? Anyway, at 9 Lisa came and asked if I still wanted to have breakfast, OH SHIT, I totally forgot we were doing breakfast. I hadn't contributed in any way. Anyway, it was a lovely breakfast and I did dishes (it was my turn, and it was really the least I could do).

I ended up getting showered and leaving to go to the library and arriving there at around 11:40ish. On the way I checked my mail and had a statement from the bank. I looked at it and it was in regard to the transfer I had made to pay my rent, it said that the name and the account number didn't match... basically, when the guy had filled out the form, something went wrong, they had Stadtwerke instead of Studentenwerk... no wonder they never got the money! Shit. Now I have to go to the Bank on Monday and figure out if I still have the money and I have to e-mail the Studentenwerk people and explain that problem. Shitfuck.

Anyway, at the library, I went to the Ausleiherei and tried to get my card again but then the guy asked for my Anmeldung and I was like, whattttt? Okay, luckily he was (a) a guy, (b) new, and (c) a little timid, my german is still kind of crappy, but I still got a little feisty. I told him "The woman who helped me yesterday said I needed my housing contract, and matriculation information, she did not say I needed the anmeldung," and I proceeded to show him my residence permit and said, "and I needed the anmeldung to receive this, so it should work." He kind of nodded and then made me my card. Heck yes. Then I checked the hours of the library and realized that it closed at 1. At this time it was a little after noon. Shit. So then I wandered around because I had to put my bag in a locker, but when I found a free locker I realized that I needed a 2Euro piece to use one... I only had a 1Euro piece or a shit ton of small change. I even, in my panicked state, managed to spill my change purse contents onto the floor. Fun. Then I finally asked a girl who came in if she had change for a 5 Euro bill, luckily she did, and I was able to do that. So, then I had to look up the books I needed and then find them... I seriously cut it close... especially since all but two of the books were already checked out or otherwise unavailable. I totally got two books and was feeling much better. Except for the earlier news regarding bank and rent.

Really, none of this rent thing is even my fault, it is killing me. Someone else wrote my account number on the paper work, someone else wrote the transfer form... people are sabotaging my fucking life!

So, last night I had thought about giving Chris a call, come on, a little action can relieve stress, right? But then I realized that I felt like shit and was in no state to get any sort of action.

I had told him that I'd let him know today if I could hang out tonight, but obvi, since the library thing only just now worked, and the bank stress, and how my back started hurting again on the bus in between the mailbox incident and the library... I think I will probably literally die soon.

I just hope this shit all gets cleared up (including communications with a certain boy) so that my body can stop hating me. I seriously hate that stress affects me so physically, some people just get depressed and shit, I start to fall apart... my back aching, my immune system going on strike, etc.

Anyway, I am going to make some food for lunch because... damn it... I haven't really been feeling normal things like hunger and thirst the past couple days, just a constant feeling of tightness, my throat, back, my insides... I think I am actually on the verge of implosion.

Don't worry, I am probably just making too much of this, but still, hopefully by Monday evening I can function again.

rent, bank, communication, stupid boy, chris, library, stress, health, referat, body

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