I could say a few things...

Dec 15, 2005 22:23

Let's see... recovered from Tuesday night's partying with Antonio and the Leimen kids...
Slept in and decided to take my time getting ready until I remembered that I was meeting Kristina, my Tandem Partner, at 2. Oh. So I got ready a little faster and met her there right on time, early even.
We met by H&M and then went to Cafe' Extrablatt for some Latte Macchiatos and some German and English speaking. We were there over an hour when I got a phone call reminding me that I was 15 minutes late for a meeting I had completely forgotten about. Ooops. So, we paid and left and said goodbye and see ya next week.

I made it to the meeting and then called Julia to give her directions, but she ended up in a different door than me and so it didn't work, so Silvia went down to meet her while a bunch of random people talked to me. I ended up talking to this really enthusiastic woman who was with this really incredibly attractive German guy, she apparently though I was German and started telling me all about Willamette University. I had to point out, "No, I already go there." Then she turned to incredibly attractive and nice German guy and told him, "Oh, she's AMERICAN!" And he smiled and said, "I know." Anyway, he is studying at Western next year, Education and PE. And he looks it too... despite being pretty fair haired and the like, I couldn't deny how handsome he was. And that cute German accent... awww. Anyway, that got cut off pretty quickly and all of the people from Oregon went on a tour of Heidelberg, and Julia and I went off and ran some errands (like picking up a pair of shoes she wanted) and stuff like that.

We then met Luke at the Bismarckplatz and all of us went to Lavazza and had some drinks before going to Havana, the Cuban restaurant. It was pretty good. I have no complaints. Probably the best Latin influenced food I've had in Germany. Anyway, that was fun, they are really adorable, they are this cute couple and they are like... the playful and funny type. They get mushy though too. Anyway, after that we went our separate ways and I did... nothing... haha. It was a little late when I got back. Oh. I skipped another class yesterday. Oops. Blame Antonio.

Today I went to my class, after waking up latish because I didn't feel like primping, then I went to run some errands and got some shoes that look really ugly off, but really cute with some jeans. For real. I also bought a much needed messenger back after almost losing my SECOND notebook in the past two weeks. Luckily the guy at the shoestore caught my attention and gave it to me. Oi. That would have been good. I got back to my apartment and made some veggies and cous cous and it was damned good. I then cleaned my room and sorted my laundry, took out the trash, etc. Then I did all my laundry! Woot.

My roommates and I got together again tonight and we had delicious baked apples... I am bringing that recipe back with me. Fo sho. Anyway, after eating and talking and stuff we played a game where you get a letter and have to list things under all these categories... there is a name auf Englisch, but I don't remember. Oh well. I lost, so next time I do dishes. We are having lasagna though, as long as there is no corn, I am sure it will be good.

Oh, and I am going to a party tomorrow night with all of my roommates. I am mailing a package and getting a box to mail another. I am going to Konstanz on Saturday (I think) and hanging out with Anna and Maddie and partying it up. Then back to school and lame stuff like that again on Monday. Oh well. I should text Yuki and find out about the homework. She is now the only person in that class I have... since Antonio is gone until January. It's okay, Yuki is a lot of fun. Yay!

Oh, Lisa knows Antonio, they have a Spanish > German translation course together. Hahaha. (I finally showed my roommates a picture of Antonio, and they were the first to ask).

attractive german guy, coffee, shoes, havana, oregon, baked apples, meeting, luke, plans, drinks, tandem, roommates, julia

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