
Oct 03, 2008 23:07

so it has been about a month since i lost my dog and i have JUST stopped doing weird things I did when he was here, for example:
- when talking to david on the phone I might say, "so how are the dogs, not just dog"
- or when i let the dogs in from out side i call, "come on buddy"

Just stupid things like that...but I am better now :) it's just kicking old habits.


Our family members, Uncle Mike and Aunt Debbie, lost their dog shortly before Buddy.
They then bought a puppy and then lost the puppy a few days later to parvo, a puppy disease.
It was very sad.
Tonight my brother-in-law's dog is at the animal hospital.
It is odd this is all happening at the same time

I have always believed that God has us deal with death to make us stronger.
The death of pets may prepare us for a more intense loss or situation in life, so I am really worried that if that's true what on Earth is God preparing us for?
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