takin from jenna who took it from candice and friends...

Jan 05, 2004 22:42

Some Interesting Questions...for you to answer ( Read more... )

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justdance247 January 6 2004, 12:46:57 UTC
1. Quiet or Loud?: loud
2. Short or Tall?:taller than me...
3. Weird or Original?:weird
4. Nice or Mean?:both!!
5. Friendly or Selfish?:friendly
6. Normal or "Special"?: special
7. Smart or Stupid?:smarty pants
8. Boring or Fun?: fun
9. Attractive or Unattractive?:attractive-bonita
Y O U..T H I N K..I ' M--
1. A psycho?:yes
2. Athletic?:no
3. A nerd?:nope
4. Ghetto?:that JLO ass, YES!
5. Two-faced?:sometimes
6. Obnoxious?:jsut like me
7. Immature?:yes
8. Mature?:yes
9. Beautiful?:yes
J U S T..S O M E..Q U E S T I O N S--
1. What do you think I'll be when I grow up?:a spanish teacher
2. Do you think I'll get married?:yes
3. When is my birthday?:march 6th, 1990
4. Who is my best friend?:jessica
5. What song reminds you of me?:the macarena
6. Do I remind you of any characters on TV?:scooby doo
7. If you could rename me.. what would my name be?:dora
8. Have you ever had a dream about me?:uh no
10. If you could give me anything...what would it be?:a book.
11. If you could promise me anything...what would it be?:TO BE FRIENNNNDS FORVEVEVRVEVR.(i hope)
P E R S O N A L--
1. Am I physically ugly, average, decent, good looking, pretty, or hot?:hottt
2. Would you ever kiss me?:no-lol
3. Would you ever consider being my friend?:hmm?not sure!:)
4. Do you ever think about me?:yesh
5. If we spent a day together where would we go and what would we do?:go to taco belllll
6. If you could describe me in one word, what would that word be?: fantubular
7. Do you or have you ever liked me?:O YEAHHH !
8. Do you want me?:yeah


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