I think this Peter is the BluePeter. They brought BluePeter's consciousness forward in time to himself in 2026, BluePeter saw all the devastation, saw that Olivia had been killed etc... and he was able to return to 2011 and he made a different choice than the last time, this time choosing to bridge the gap between the two universes instead of destroying the other one. That's what he was always meant to do. Once he did it, he "served his purpose" and vanished from existence as he was never supposed to have existed and he was the only one who could fix the problems between both universes. This Peter, to me at least, is the same as BluePeter. He has all the memories and experiences of not only his life before but what he experienced while in 2026. And that future in 2026, doesn't exist anymore, it's something new and unknown now since he changed the course of what happened.
Saying Nina knows about the other Time Line is a bit of a stretch, I'm not sure how she could know either, but she definitely knows something. That's a good point, whatever Nina is doing to Olivia maybe be for another purpose entirely and she wouldn't know that doing that is blocking access to those memories. I also think DRJ will play an important part with helping Olivia to remember. I just wish she would remember now dammit! :P
Indeed, Fringe speculation is fun :D
*Edited to fix something that didn't make much sense :P
Saying Nina knows about the other Time Line is a bit of a stretch, I'm not sure how she could know either, but she definitely knows something. That's a good point, whatever Nina is doing to Olivia maybe be for another purpose entirely and she wouldn't know that doing that is blocking access to those memories. I also think DRJ will play an important part with helping Olivia to remember. I just wish she would remember now dammit! :P
Indeed, Fringe speculation is fun :D
*Edited to fix something that didn't make much sense :P
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