I do think about more than just Fringe, some weeks

Mar 04, 2011 01:20

That week was not this week. Even though I had like midterms and stuff and did not really have time for all this watching videos and reading fanfic because I still can't get over the awesomeness that is the last two episodes.

So I didn't post about the last episode, so this is part in reaction to that but also I think will just be thoughts I've been having about the show. Kind of shipper-centered, 'cause it's me.

+ Okay, so, like at first I was kind of "whatever" about the first-time-they-see-each-other scene but now I can't help but awww...at their instant attraction. What attracted Peter to her? Was she just a pretty little girl? (remember he apparently wasn't let out of the house alot at least in this universe, not only because he was kidnapped but also because even their original Peter in "Peter" we'd learned they hadn't let him out alot because he was so sickly -- I'm guessing since he was sick Over There he hadn't been let out alot either and didn't get to interact with other kids so ya know) Kindred spirit who he somehow knew was just as haunted and lost as he was? I don't know. "The beguiling Olivia Dunham beguiles." Just made me think of similarities to the Peter and Fauxlivia meeting for the first time Over There and Walternate like catches on his son's attraction to the beguiling Olivia Dunham. Huh.

+ "My mom says you gotta imagine how you want things to be. And then you can try and change them." "It was the only picture that looked happy." AND WHAT DOES SHE END UP DRAWING? HER AND PETER TOGETHER. ALSO JUST realized that his line in this episode goes with Peter saying in "6B" how long he'd imagined the two of them together. HAHAHA. Well, Peter I bet you'd imagined the two of you together even longer than you thought you did given your instant attraction to young Olivia as a child. And she'd imagined them together TOO as children. And what does she do in the S2 finale? Olivia imagines her and Peter together, and she makes her way Over There and she finds him and she puts her heart out. What does she do in 6B? She imagines how beautiful they must be together and she goes for a kiss and she goes for a lifetime together at the very end too. GAH. Also someone on FringeBloggers noted that the "it's beautiful" line could subconsciously be referring to Peter remembering what it was like with the two of them in that field as children. AWWW....

+ Hand-holding in 6B as she leads him up the stairs. ciderapples I saw you mention how this parallels the hand-holding in Subject 13 so perfectly. GAH. YOU WRITERS ARE SUCH ROMANTICS.

+ Also Jacksonville-6B parallel. Peter is feeling lucky and wants Walter to be anywhere but in Boston...perhaps Chicago. 6B -- Peter is gonna get lucky but he doesn't know it but thank goodness Walter is not in Boston. Not Chicago, but good enough. Gah, the Fringe writers have an awesome sense of humor.

+ There has been alot of old couples recently. In the Firefly and Peter and Olivia watching them laugh together then in 6B with Alice and Derek. I really want that to mean that Peter and Olivia get a lifetime together. Please writers please.

+ So, now that I know things have gotten on track at least with P/O romantically, I've been able to go back and watch the Peter/Fauxlivia scenes without wanting to cringe. Although I still sometimes cringe because she's SO MANIPULATIVE. Exhibit A: Breakfast in bed scene -- "What did I do to deserve this?" And he's like "Nothing. Just for being you." We see her kind of startle at that, at her deception a bit but whatever you still did it you homewrecker! (sorry I said it -- I have little sympathy with Fauxlivia as a character) Exhibit B: "Peter we need to talk." The Peter/Fauxlivia sex scene seems so ehhh in comparison to how our two got together. She's just trying to a) distract him from his doubts about how different she's become and b) indulge her own complicated feelings about him while actively deceiving him gah. Then in rewatching I realized how the producers juxtaposed their sex scene with Newton dying which was orchestrated somewhat by Fauxlivia. So unromantic and so DISTURBING. Meanwhile, we don't actually see our Olivia take off her clothes because as marymc noted it's private and between Peter and Olivia as it should be. Heck yes.

+ I also like that Olivia so gently led him up the stairs. I love that Olivia is the one who has taken alot of the initiative in their romantic interactions. I enjoy it. Peter lets her lead -- he follows. Just like when they're partners out in the field. But he comes to her when he knows he needs to, when he knows she's scared and needs someone to talk to but isn't quite wiling to allow herself the comfort of having someone to talk to (going after her in 6B is a nice echo of so many other Peter going to Olivia in S1 and S2 scenes -- like him giving her the coffee in the episode where she's kidnapped which I think is Bound or one of my all-time faves the What Lies Below quarantine one aww). But yeah, in the beginning of their relationship, I saw Peter as the one initiating the intimate moments but now that they've hit the romantic slant we see Olivia doing it which I think is nice and fits with who they are. Olivia, if she's honest with herself, already knows that Peter wants her. He is the one who, after all, initiated the kiss in Jacksonville. So, ever since then, she's known he's physically attracted to her. And she has to know he cares about her, because why else would he stick around when he'd been such a nomad before? (she can't have forgotten that) So it makes sense that she initiates these days, because goodness Peter is more than willing and he's just there. Waiting for her to be ready. And in 6B she was ready and all the shippers (or I guess not all but whatever) breathed a sigh of relief.

+ Someone else noted this and it's something I always notice and appreciate too: no matter how awkward things are between them personally, Peter and Olivia are professionals and don't let it get in the way of them doing their jobs. I so appreciate that about them. Even though so much of their lives are intertwined in their work, they still try to keep any personal issues between them for later as it should be.

+ I was struck the other night by the ending scene between Peter and Elizabeth and how he accepts she's not his mother because what else can he do? It sheds an interesting light on why Peter might've been so easily fooled by Fauxlivia. This is a man who grew up accepting the inconsistencies of parents and a universe that weren't originally his. Elizabeth over here gave him an anchor -- "of course I'm your real mother" -- and he took it for all it was worth because there was no way to go home. In the S2 finale, Peter is that lost little boy again yearning for a home that doesn't seem to exist. Olivia gives him that home. "You belong with me." Not an "I love you" because this resonates more. He has just always wanted to belong. And Olivia has just always wanted to know her place in the world and be needed by someone ("for once in my life I have someone who needs me"). So she's his anchor; she grounds him. They get back and things are not quite right with Walter and he's found out about the machine and he's reeling from the revelation of everything he saw in the AU and "but you feel real" he tells Fauxlivia not knowing it's not his Olivia. Peter was desperate, desperate to belong and not have lost the one person he did feel and know he belonged with...Fauxlivia took serious advantage of that. And part of him might've accepted the differences he saw because that's what he'd done when faced with the prospect of a new mother -- it was something he was used to...forgetting the inconsistencies in order to belong. To feel grounded in something again. Obviously Peter isn't a child anymore, so we can't quite excuse him. But I do think he was as lost as he'd been the first time he'd come to our universe like I said, so...it's understandable in that light.

+ Also, on the other hand, I'm struck about how so many things Fauxlivia said are not what I think our Olivia would have said. Like in 302 where he comes over to talk about Walter and the machine and how hard things have been and she's like "I understand" or whatever and he's like "you have no idea." I feel like our Olivia would've never said something like "I understand" in the I-can-totally-understand-exactly-what-you're-feeling kind of way. Our Olivia can get in the headspace of victims, but I don't feel that she ever pretends like she is feeling their pain too. #1) she has enough pain of her own. #2) she understands that someone's pain is their own...and obviously you want to lessen people's burdens but you don't want to assume that you "get it" or belittle that pain. I don't know. I was just struck by Fauxlivia's response and think our Olivia would have just nodded and taken it in and not given unwanted uhh...what's the word. There is this GRE word for words that are given more out of like propriety than actual concern. Whatever.

+ On the "he still has feelings for her" thing. I've been reading fics that sum up my view nicely. Peter still has feelings for this version of Olivia that doesn't really exist -- of Fauxlivia pretending to be Olivia. I get that people could say the same thing about his parents maybe...his adopted parents pretending to be his real parents. But that's different. He had years with those people so eventually they really morphed into his parents and his biological parents in some ways become a distant memory just wrapped in his memories of the people he grew up believing were his parents after Subject 13. And yeah, there are probably things about Fauxlivia that he could or did like about her by her own merits. But the fact of the matter is that she was actively trying to be someone else to fool him, and he doesn't really know her. He knows her pretending to be his Olivia. And, so maybe she did develop feelings for him, but she was fooling herself too ya know. She was falling for this romantic, in-love Peter who was acting on feelings and memories of an Olivia Dunham who wasn't her. I don't know. It's all just so fake and contrived and that's why the alt-baby was even introduced because the writers know where the true romance lies. Of course, Peter and Fauxlivia could've been "meant to be" in some cosmic sense in another universe entirely than the two we see before us. Or in their universe if Peter had survived. But then Peter wouldn't be the Peter we know and love because he wouldn't be the lost little child that he is because of his kidnapping so that's a moot point. And so the reason I feel so strongly about our Peter and our Olivia being meant to be is not even that they met as kids but because they're both haunted -- they are the two lost little children on swings even though they're adults (I just love that image from Jacksonville). Gah. I just can't even get over how perfect they are in their brokenness (but not beyond repair or in a non-functioning way) and their "you're a little weird"-ness and their everytime they start-something-pushes-them-two-steps-back-ness.

I love how things never quite go perfectly for them the first time. Peter leans in for a kiss in the S2 premiere. Olivia wakes up screaming? Not the best reaction, hee. Peter leans in a for a kiss in Jacksonville. Olivia stops and runs off to save the world. So Peter gets it, but hey he must've felt the slightest touch of disappointment. Olivia goes to have drinks with him thinking something beautiful has started, hey Peter you glimmer and are from another universe...I guess that bursts my bubble. Peter's like 'Hey I get why you're feeling awkward' and Olivia's like 'Oh no he knows my secret' but then realizes he's talking about their almost-kiss and she'd forgotten about how awkward that is now in retrospect because she has this gigantic secret about his origins hanging over her in the meantime. Oh, also Jacksonville. Hey-my-father-experimented-on-you-as-a-child-and-scared-you-silly-and-that's-kind-of-weird-because-you're-the-woman-that-I-now-love. Then obviously the whole S2 finale with Olivia having to knock out alt!Charlie just so they can be alone and then hey your real father wants to destroy the universe using you but I gotta lay my heart on the line right now and then I get ripped away by said father but you don't know it. And then the big 'You slept with my doppelganger' one. Kind of a bombshell. Then even in 6B the start and stop. We kissed and you glimmered. WHAT OTHER COUPLE IN THE WORLD WOULD THAT HAPPEN TO?

"Am I glowing?" At least Peter can joke about it, hah. Gotta love his patience with Olivia's abilities and his utter lack of fear in regards to them. Especially since Olivia at times we know felt like a freak because of them (Bad Dreams) and feels like she can't be anything close to normal and happy because of them (Concentrate and Ask Again).

But this is why Peter is PERFECT for her. He appreciates her abilities and gets how much a part of her they are now. Take Ability. He thought she was "in the zone." He didn't think she was scary or a freak and he wasn't spoofed but awed. Then Jacksonville. "I've never met anyone who can do the things that you do." And he just continues to trust in her abilities. In 6B saying that she's not completely damaged or broken because of them...asking her "What do you see?" For some reason that line made me really happy because I don't know. He just knows her. He trusts in what she SEES. Or in Subject 13 "I'm not scared" when she's all like hot from her pyrokinetic powers. GAH EVEN AS CHILDREN THEY WERE PERFECT.

"Do you trust him?" It's interesting how much of Peter and Olivia's relationship is based on their connection to Walter with him as the father figure. And Walter's such a shipper gah.

Also just lines I can't get over the more I rewatch the 6B scenes (these are all Peter lines 'cause usually I focus on Olivia's reactions during initial watches 'cause every thing Anna Torv does is magic -- but Joshua Jackson is awesome in a more subtle way that I have to look back on and consider):
+ "I never wanted to be one of the reasons." - AWWW!!! Olivia's reaction to that is perfect, because she knows it true. He would've never willingly wanted to hurt her. He's been there for her repeatedly since they first met, in the Pilot and the Cure and so many others. Gah.

+ "But..." - Gosh, that made me hurt for Peter because you can see him feeling that he's gonna get shot down again, that he's messed things up irrevocably and that maybe they can never get back from it and he never gets to have what he thought he already had with her. GAH. but then she kisses him, hah!

+ "What do you think we should do about that?" - Man, the way he says it, there's this hopeful/excited look in his face and his tone is so gentle and not wanting to like pressure but giving her the green light to take this relationship to that lifetime of love in whatever manner she sees fit. And I just love the "we" -- they're in this together...le sigh.

So I can't even care about the pregnancy bombshell or anything else that the producers want to throw at us because everything in the last two episodes have confirmed EVERYTHING I'VE ALWAYS FELT AND WANTED TO BE TRUE AND FEEL ARE TRUE ABOUT PETER AND OLIVIA.

So, whatever they throw at us next, they can't erase what they've given us in those two episodes (Peter and Olivia are endgame suckers) unless they decided to start writing bad TV or whatnot.

fringe, peter/olivia, peter/alt!livia

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