What You See is What You Get (fic)

Jul 11, 2010 12:32

Title: What You See is What You Get
Fandom: Fringe
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Olivia, Walternate
Word Count: 158
Spoilers: "Over There" Parts 1 and 2.
Summary: Ridiculously short post-S2 finale fic; almost drabble-length. Olivia sees Walter(nate), and then she sees nothing at all.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the fabulous show of Fringe. No infringement intended.
A/N: Inspired by the prompt 'welcome to the first day of your life' for Olivia & Walternate at ineffort's awesome ladies ficathon meme. Brevity in my writing is new for me, so I'm trying it out.

The first time he comes, she is not prepared.

Panic washes over her like the brightness. Fear clouds her reason like a drug.

She sees a human being, a familiar face, a way out.

Instinct makes her jump. Experience makes her believe. Desperation makes her plead.

But she sees wrong, and soon she sees nothing at all.


Cortexiphan works on perception. Perception is the key to transformation.

She forges her key out of fear and pain and anger, and a door begins to take shape in the darkness.


The last time he comes, he is not prepared.

Pain rips through him like ice. Rage overpowers him like a storm.

He sees a monster unleashed, a variable unanticipated, an edge lost.

But what he sees does not matter.

“You will never get him back,” she tells him, and lets her anger burn away in the flames that envelop her.

She sees Peter, and then she sees nothing at all.

walternate, my fanfiction, fringe, olivia dunham

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