Day Two of BEDA, I think I'm dong well considering it's only 11.23pm right now. I might make it before 12am. yay!
Today has been a good day overall, I'm going to summarize using user: angelinareese's tecnique.
- Woke up at 7.30am because I slept at 4.30am because I was doing my group assignment.
+ Met Aditi at the station although she didn't have any monies so I helped her, had to wait 2 mins for the train.
+ It was rainy today and oddly enough, I'm one of those people who actually like this weather.
+ The bus line at Central was decent, and I got to my SG on time. zomg! You have no idea how rare that is. I was EARLY!
- Got our Individual assignments back in SG and I had one P-, although the overall grade was P. Still...and then we had to present our "hero"
+ Hung out with Frances, Claudia and Hung at the Pavilion during break. Also, I had yummy Pasta.
+/- Anatomy prac on Nervous System and Circulation, it was interesting but somewhat rendered me feeling like an idiot thanks to people who've done this before. But I didn't faint :) We also learnt to palpate lymph nodes, not properly but hey.
+ Discovered Giles is also in A10 for next teaching period. He's kindda cool.
+ Then hung out with Lorraine, Kiz, Daniel and a few others. Met Daniel :)
-/+ Had the stupid Permeability Prac which was a complete and utter waste of time! But answered a question later on thanks to HSC Biology.
+ Met up for dinner with
girlsinkhearts , JZ and Divya after Uni finished. We walked to Holy cow, which is an Indian restaurant, and it is clearly NOT close to Central. lol.
+ Was given some lovely Postcards by SW.
+ Bought Melon smelling spray for $2 when in the Pharmacy buying anti-allergics for my mum. Bargain!
- Couldn't get cash out :(
+ Arrived home to a postcard from
girlsinkhearts and the tickets for the Lily Allen concert in June. Awesome XD
All in all, a very good day. There were also some bits about lounging on the interwebz then I proceeded to taking pictures of myself because I can.
God! At this rate, I'll turn into mememolly *gasp*
And the dp is Rory Gilmore because she is fantastic and I aspire to be like her <3
I'm wearing a skirt I bought at Anglicare.
kbithnx for reading. Sorry it isn't interesting.