(no subject)

Mar 09, 2009 23:50

I realise that I haven't updated in quite a while and as I clicked on Post I remembered that I'm supposed to update atleast once a week.

Thing is, I don't have much to update on. Today was my first day of the second week at Uni, and I think I'm getting the hang of it all except I'm not a great big fan of coming home at 6 or fucking 5 hour breaks. I feel like today was a complete and utter was of time, no shite. I was woken up and so, not surprisingly, was running late and although I managed to get to the Station on time etc and the train was an express to Central, we got delayed. Evidently the tain before us was held up so it was occupying the platform side, so there we were for 15-20mins just breathing recycled air, certainly not enjoying the morning. Oh and there are never any seats at that time of the day.

Got off the train after much waiting, and then was greeted (in the worst possible way) by the gigantic herd of people waiting for the 891 buses for UNSW. I kid you not, the lines aka herd stretched upto the traffic lights. Sigh.

Was 15mins late to the lecture but meh, the material isn't new, maybe slightly more detailed than what I've learnt before in Bio but by no means new. Finished with that at 10am and then hung around for 5 hours. I considered going to Usyd to visit Poopie but then couldn't be bothered. I need to stop putting stuff off, really. The hanging out wasn't bad but not brilliant either.

I don't know, maybe I just feel like this in retrospect because for some absurd reasons I am not pleased right now. I somehow just feel like I should be doing things such as finishing cleaning my room, drawing/painting, preparing for tomorrow, reading, but argh. I don't even know how I'm feeling and how to express the strange feelings.

In case anybody hasn't noticed, I fail at this blogging thing. Uniteresting life, fairly uninteresting person resulting in fairly uninteresting blog posts. I considered this: Maybe I'm more of a blog reader than blogger and only like to participate passively.

Oh yes, okay so after the break of 5 hours, I had a Microbiology Prac from 3-5pm but we finished an hour early. See, today was pointless, the only mildly good things that occurred were I saw a few people I knew, Harj, Jaz, Jenny, Julia, Joanne, Yousef and then Rev Bent at Strathfield Plaza. And Rosianna has a new video up and SW had a new blog post.

Yes, that is precisely how pathetic I am.

And part of it might be that everybody seems to be making full use of their life, they're having so much fun, experiencing things over the weekends/weekdays whereas I just sleep/stick around at home.  I'm also annoyed at myself for not excercising and eating so much crap because I am not happy with the fat on my body. (Jeez I hate when people blog about their weight, and here I am....). I don't like how I'm so unfit, but like every other area of my life, I do NOTHING about it. I do nothing, At all. And I want to but I don't.

And it bugs me that everyone is right about everything. My little sister told me that my 5 hours were pointless because I didn't make use of them which is so true. But ffs, I don't want to hear it from her.

Uhgh...Also, I'm sad about the fact that I can't attend Merry's birthday shindig because I'll be away at MedCamp. I would' ve liked to go :(

Right, so tomorrow I have 2 lectures, 1 Scenario Group Session (which are also pretty useless atm) and an introduction to the Pathology Museum. And there's a ChocSoc meeting but I can't go because I have a lecture then.

See. I am annoyed. What I require is a job which will provide me with cash which will allow me to indulge in the accumulation of useless crap aka retail therapy. A few I need to buy- clothes!!!, the Harry Potter clock, a pretty umbrella, Freaks and Geeks boxset and Gilmore Girls, as well as a few/many books. I love books.

Here are a few lovely pictures

Love, Beauty, Magic.

I have come to realise that owls can be awesome.

In hopes of adding colour to my life.

It makes me tear up. It beautiful and sad and <333

For love seems have eluded me for my whole existence.


Just because he's James Franco!

P.S. How amazing is the new HBP trailer. It gives me the chiils. I am SO watching it at IMAX and will buy a movie poster no matter the cost.

Holy fuck, THANK GOD for drafts. I nearly had a coronary thinking about all that typing and losing it.

P.P.S. (12.17am) I must admit, looking for and at all those pictures has cheered me up slightly. Oh how fickle we are!

blah, james franco, sad, unsw, weird, uni

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