Woke up to drop my sister off at school and like the genius I am, I decided I needn't take the umbrella because it never ever rains when I take it and then it rained. Needless to say, I was wet and left feeling silly.
Wrote my letter to
girlsinkhearts and thought about how to make it as awesome as her letters to me, then realised that is not possible.
Had an INSANELY quick shower and rushed out to meet Poopie at Strathfield Station. It was hella stressful but I got there early. yay!
When she arrived we went to buy some stamps and postcards and Doritos. yum
11.00am- 6.30pm
Hung out at home with Poopie, eating, talking, watching FRIENDS. We played some Jenga and some HazzaP Scene It, laughed at Adam Hills and Danny Bhoy (on YouTube) and enjoyed each others' company (hopefully this was mutual) while discussing Uni and the merits of doing nothing. We also had some Snickers Pods.
Talked to Thuvaraaga on the phone for an hour and four mintues and oh, completely forgot, got news@MLC in the mail.
Heated me some leftover Chicken+Rice and had pancakes for le dessert.
Posted a pointless entry on LJ and proceeded to go watch some movie online, cuz I feel like it.
EDIT: The 13yo dad. wtf? What the hell are the parents doing, that parents of the "dad". They seem to be encouraging this foolishness (and by foolishness I do not refer to having a baby/having sex but having a baby/having sex when you're a KID.) What has the world come to?
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2233878.ece He looks no older than my little sister. FFS.