
Mar 20, 2008 11:25

yay for lunchtime posting (despite the lack of posting in the last few months...*sigh*)

but...for those interested, three months or so away from the wedding, and so far...all that's left is to assemble/send out invites, get the ceremony fan-thing going, tuxes for sure (appt this weekend) pick out food and cake.

...doesn't seem like much...>_< and i don't think i'd be half-as-far as i am without my mom's help (and nagging. love her to death but damn. i don't need a 'reminder' every other hour.)

aside from the wedding...i'd say work is okay. it's been hella slow, which is fine since i'm working mostly on reorganizing the library, but then, that's easy enough. Though, there's always a coworker that's a pain to work with. (sometimes several.) I'll have to do a separate post later on about that.

surge, i'm guessing, is about 30%-ish so far. I just need all the little scenes between the end of part1 and the major scene with Itachi. Then it's over. (please, let it be over, stop spamming me with MORE...)

BH - i need to type up my written scenes. I'd have almost HALF of each chapter after what i've posted (parts 1-3). This story always ends up being 'fill-in-the-blanks' when i get stuff typed up.

........hey. no, i will not write shamelesspornstar!Naruto & jadedPornstar!Sasuke, absolutely, not even if i've already thought out how it'd work as a one-shot. no. noooo.

.....but then, that's only the THIRD one i've wanted to start while bashing away at surge.

bah. need more food, break's almost over.
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