on further notes...

Sep 25, 2007 07:21

well, this week has been okay, so far (considering it's still only tuesday...>_<)

over the weekend, it was okay too, despite all the drama going on there. spent time with bf's family, went to sunday 50th anniversary for his g'parents...

and then i found out my grandpa died on sunday, at 10am. -_- fell asleep and his heart gave out...Funeral's on wednesday, so the only bonus about that is 'yay. no work'

but, it's not as shocking/surprising at the moment, because of his stint in the hospital. we knew he wasn't lasting much longer...it's enough he went peacefully.


on other news, part one of surge's 7 is off to beta. few scenes left to type up, but other than that, it's almost ready.

...and then it's on to the harder, twisty stuff. :) (and maybe BH, or ADoS...XD that would be...most enjoyable.)
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