
Apr 10, 2007 15:06

had a thought. watched Dancing With the Stars with mom, last night, and saw Joey Fatone (formerly of nsync) dancing. Saw, with a giggle, Lance Bass in the audience. I sat and thought of my late high-school/early college where i was a diehard nsync fan (to my current mortification)...

i even wrote some sort of vampire/daywalker thing with nsync and Lance Bass as central character. Sadly, it was HELLA mary sue (to my SHAME) and...glancing back, it...was so SLASHY!!! I *could* have written a Lance/Justin thing, so easy...but it hadn't ever crossed my mind ( hadn't reached college, yet XD)

and then it turned out to be true, and i died laughing. (and no...well, MAYBE you guys can see it...o_o...if i drag it out of the dust...)

...and then, my dad shot a possum in my backyard. Why? (they're ugly and egg-suckers and ugly, according to dad...that and i think he wants to keep any risk of rabies away...*shrug*) There's a pair of bald eagles sticking around to pick out the carp in the swamp-lake behind my house. I didn't even know there WERE fish in that thing...but there they are, dropping dead carp on the lawn. the possum was eating a fish head.

my dad shot it and i had to run out and see if it was female with babies. (it wasn't).

funny thing was, it looked dead and barely twitched when i examined said possum (with a stick, thank god) and my dad walks up and goes, deadpan "Sometimes they play possum,"

thirty seconds later, me in the house talking to mom about it, it GOT UP. *LMAO*

my dad had to shoot it again. it died this time...

maybe the eagles will come down and eat it...that'd be pretty sweet.

....random post, yay!
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