This next act sucks dick

May 13, 2005 18:37

I have been in such a sad mood, I think I have the chicken pox. Ahhh I hate teachers who tell you that you need to explore your ideas more and then when you do they fucking shoot down everything you say!!!! It makes me so mad, and I think that same teacher thinks I space out all the time in that class because I never talk, but I don't I swear, I just hate participating in classes, I like to soak up everything that I am hearing. Tommorows prom... yay... I guess. I'm nominated for prom queen, but I kinda wich I wasn't becuase I know I am not going to win so I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I can't help it because it would be cool to win. I know i am not going to win though because they are pretty sure of the winner, and its a totaly unexpected person, which is crazy! and the i heard of another person rigging the fucking votes, and not in my favor. so yeah i just get to stand up there with ethan and look pretty. I have been so fucking tired lately. I was so exhausted today, I think it has been the most tired I have ever been. Track was so fun today, I did the sexy dance in front of this big fan, and it was way sexier than anyone from williams could do. Yeah thats right. I like the work fuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuckidy fuck fuck, fucking fuker!!! Abbey is coming home tommorow, and she is making my mom miss my meet.Well I'm gunna go eat Captian crunch and sleep... for my meet tomorow, which I am really nervous about!!!! there are people from like 6 states comeing, thats a lot. and some girl can jump 12 feet!!! thats so fucking high. i'll write at somepoint

So Long...
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