How I'm Doing in Eight Minutes

Oct 22, 2009 16:52

1. The Cell Phones went up against 77 bands at a Battle of the Bands at the Elbo Room...and won. We won first place. It was a freaking crazy surprise, and now we get to record 4 tracks for free! We've got another guy that wants to pay for us to record an EP, too! Things are definitely looking up for this little band of mine.

2. I've dated a guy for HALF A YEAR. We're on unknown ground now, at least for me! Really it feels like a year and a half, but who's counting*? Either way, it's a big deal for me because for the first time ever, I'm in a relationship that has lasted more than a flipping month, and I'm in love and actually 100% sure about it. I even said the L-Word the other day, and I don't mean Lesbian. It went like this:

Me: I love you, Ryan.
Ryan: Aw, you're sweet. I love you too.
Ryan: Please don't cry.
Me: [STILL CRYING] Sorry, hearing that just meant a lot to me.
Ryan: [very nonchalantly] I've always loved you.
Ryan: Please don't be gay.

3. I've been in Chicago for 2 years. I love this place so hard, but then again, winter hasn't come yet. My job is still tolerable. I don't sleep, but I'm still well.

4. At any given time, my clothing has cat hair from 3 different cats. Sometimes 4. All my friends have cats that love me.

5. Bloomington better WATCH OUT because I'm comin' for the Rocky Horror Screening! AND I'm bringing the band! We're gonna play Collins on Halloween afternoon and I'm kind of freaking out about going back to Bton and EATING FOOD! OH MY GOD MOTHER BEARS! OH MY GOD RUNCIBLE! OH MY GOD TROJAN HORSE AND VILLAGE DELI AND NOM NOM NOM!

6. We're ALSO gonna play in Indy on November 1st. Indy Friends: COME SEE US!

7. I have to pee, so I guess I'm done. Once I can find the cord to my camera, I'll put up a pic or two.

8. I love you. I'm sorry it's been so long. Sorry I'm too busy to tell you how I am. I miss you and hope you're all doing okay.

9. *burp*

10. That really happened.

*I am!
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