Jun 12, 2006 11:28
The last couple of days were quite eventful. My parents decided to drag me to Quebec, and I really think I deserve a medal of some sort for living through SEVEN HOURS in the car listening to ABBA. Apparently, my parents didn't trust me enough to leave me in the house for ONE weekend. Hah, they're so right.
So. When we got there, it was pouring rain - cats, dogs, buckets, the occasional SUV, you name it. Of course, our expensive-yet-useless GPS system got us lost, and we spent two hours looking for parking. "Turn right...turn left in 0,9 miles...go back, you idiot, you missed the turn.." and it didn't help that half the turns were 'right-only' and then when we needed to turn right, it was a 'left-only' turn. OH THE FRUSTRATION. So finally, we find parking and sort everything out. Btw, Quebec is mostly French-speaking, so we had LOADS of fun with that, with my 'bonjour. je ne parle pas francais' and all that.
Finally, we found the 'information touristique' building. Sixteen postcards, half a dozen maps&brochures, and 3 tour tickets later, we were off. Of course, our bus driver had an incredible French accent, so we couldn't understand much, and it was raining like the dickens, so Notre-Dame was pretty much the only worthwhile stop. Also, I happened to sit beside some Australian gentleman, and pretty much just nodded for the next two hours as he proceeded to explain their wonderful and 'uncomplicated' currency in a most unfathomable accent. He was rather nice.
After that, we went shopping in the underground city. That is to say, I ran around stores buying everything and anything I could ("Honey, socks? At the dollar store?" "SOCKS AT A FRENCH DOLLAR STORE, MOM! ARGH YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!") and then was dragged out once more into the rain to go see some festival and parade through the 'omg TEH SEX' blocks of Montreal. Yes, they exist. I have never seen so many porno stores in a row. Etc, etc. And then it was over.
Next day - Quebec City! The weather was still pretty miserable, but overall, it was rather more enjoyable. The streets are pure HILLS and thus impossible to drive on, but it's so charming. Montreal was basically Toronto, but dirtier - all skyscrapers and people in a hurry. Quebec City was absolutely charming; I've never seen a city with so much history embedded in every cobblestone - well, that's not saying much. After yet another tour (in which I was informed by my parents that yes, tipping 50% is slightly excessive, no matter how much I liked someone's accent) I walked around and looked at the numerous tourist shops and artists lining the streets. I had a portrait done, but it looks absolutely nothing like me (I hope) because I kept fidgeting and generally blathering at sixty miles an hour. I climbed what must've been hundreds of stairs, and walked around the same block twelve times; bought another dozen postcards or so because I'm so positive the pictures won't turn out well. Instead of taking pictures of all the ancient buildings etc. I amused myself by taking some of puppies and gorgeous French-Canadian boys. Too bad most of them were in the 'gay' district. :/ Ah, c'est la vie.
Third day is hardly worth mentioning, we just went to the Biodome, Olympic Complex thing, and the hugest and most boring church I've ever seen. Oh, and I bought more postcards, what a surprise.
My biggest accomplishment was ordering Burger King in French ("This is FRENCH Burger King, Dad, it's TOTALLY not the same thing!") and having the dude give me a weird look and ask for seven-fifty in perfect English. Foiled once again.
I can't wait to go back.