Much love to
[ ] I am shorter than 5'6.
[/] I think I'm ugly sometimes.
[ ] I have many scars.
[ ] I tan easily.
[ ] I wish my hair was a different color.
[/] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have a tattoo.
[/] I am self-conscious about my appearance.
[/] I've had/have braces.
[ ] I wear glasses/contacts.
[/] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100 percent safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[/] I've been told I'm attractive by a complete stranger.
[ ] I have more than 2 piercings.
[ ] I have piercings in places besides my ears.
[ ] I have freckles.
Family/Home Life
[ ] I've sworn at my parents.
[ ] I've run away from home.
[ ] I've been kicked out of the house.
[ ] My biological parents are together. (Divorced. Living in different countries.)
[ ] I have a sibling less than one year old.
[ ] I've had children.
[ ] I've lost a child.
[/] I'm in school.
[ ] I have a job.
[/] I've fallen asleep at work/school.
[/] I almost always do my homework.
[/] I've missed a week or more of school.
[/] I've been on the Honor Roll within the last 2 years.
[ ] I failed more than 1 class last year.
[ ] I've stolen something from my job.
[ ] I've been fired.
[/] I've slipped out a "lol" in a spoken conversation.
[/] Disney movies still make me cry. (Sad, I know.)
[ ] I've peed from laughing.
[/] I've snorted while laughing.
[/] I've laughed so hard I've cried.
[/] I've glued my hand to something
[/] I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose.
[/] I've had my pants rip/drop in public. (At some point or another.)
[ ] I was born with a disease/impairment. (ADD, perhaps? Just kidding.)
[/] I've gotten stitches.
[/] I've broken a bone.
[ ] I've had my tonsils removed.
[/] I've sat in a doctors office with a friend.
[ ] I've had my wisdom teeth removed.
[/] I had a serious surgery.
[/] I've had chicken pox.
[ ] I've driven over 200 miles in one day.
[/] I've been on a plane.
[/] I've been to Canada. (Live here!)
[ ] I've been to Mexico.
[/] I've been to Niagara Falls. (2 hours drive.)
[ ] I've been to Japan.
[ ] I've Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[/] I've been to Europe.
[ ] I've been to Africa.
[/] I've gotten lost in my city.
[/] I've seen a shooting star.
[/] I've wished on a shooting star.
[/] I've seen a meteor shower.
[/] I've gone out in public in my pajamas. (Multiple times.)
[/] I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator. (That was fun...)
[ ] I've kicked a guy where it hurts.
[ ] I've been to a casino.
[ ] I've been skydiving. (Wanna go this summer!)
[ ] I've gone skinny dipping. (Don't remember.)
[ ] I've played spin the bottle.
[/] I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
[ ] I've crashed a car.
[/] I've been skiing.
[/] I've been in a play.
[/] I've met someone in person from the internet.
[/] I've caught a snowflake on my tongue.
[/] I've seen the Northern Lights.
[/] I've sat on a roof top at night.
[/] I've played chicken.
[/] I've played a prank on someone.
[/] I've ridden in a taxi.
[ ] I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[/] I've eaten sushi.
[ ] I've been snowboarding.
[/] I'm single.
[ ] I'm in a relationship.
[ ] I'm engaged.
[ ] I'm married.
[ ] I've gone on a blind date.
[ ] I've been the dumped more than the dumper.
[/] I miss someone right now.
[/] I have a fear of abandonment.
[ ] I've cheated in a relationship.
[ ] I've gotten divorced
[/] I've had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[/] I've told someone I loved them when I didn't.
[/] I've told someone I didn't love them when I did.
[ ] I've kept something from a past relationship.
[ ] I've had a crush on a teacher
[/] I am a cuddler.
[ ] I've been kissed in the rain.
[/] I've hugged a stranger.
[/] I have kissed a stranger.
[/] I've done something I promised someone else I wouldn't.
[/] I've done something I promised myself I wouldn't.
[/] I've snuck out of a house.
[/] I have lied to my parents about where I am.
[/] I am keeping a secret from the world.
[/] I've cheated while playing a game.
[/] I've cheated on a test.
[/] I've run a red light.
[ ] I've been suspended from school.
[ ] I've witnessed a crime.
[/] I've been in a fist fight.
[ ] I've been arrested.
[ ] I've shoplifted.
Death and Suicide
[/] I'm afraid of dying.
[/] I hate funerals.
[/] I've seen someone dying.
[ ] Someone close to me has attempted suicide.
[ ] Someone close to me has committed suicide.
[ ] I've planned my own suicide.
[ ] I've attempted suicide.
[ ] I've written a eulogy for myself.
[ ] I own over 5 rap CDs.
[/] I own iPod or MP3 player.
[ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
[ ] I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.
[ ] I own something from Hot Topic. (Hot green day poster!)
[ ] I own something from Pac Sun.
[ ] I collect comic books.
[/] I own something from The Gap.
[ ] I own something I got on e-bay.
[/] I own something from American Eagle.
[ ] I can sing well. (Not at ALL.)
[ ] I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant.
[ ] I open up to others easily.
[/] I watch the news.
[/] I don't kill bugs.
[ ] I hate hearing songs that sacrifice meaning for the sake of being able to rhyme.
[ ] I curse regularly.
[/] I sing in the shower.
[ ] I am a morning person.
[ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone.
[/] I'm a snob about grammar.
[ ] I am a sports fanatic.
[/] I twirl my hair.
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I love being neat.
[ ] I love Spam
[ ] I've copied more than 30 CD's in a day
[ ] I bake well. (NOT.)
[ ] My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red or blue.
[/] I would wear pajamas to school. (I have.)
[ ] I like Martha Stewart.
[ ] I know how to shoot a gun.
[/] I am in love with love.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.
[/] I laugh at my own jokes.
[/] I eat fast food weekly. (Come on, I live in Canada, the clone of America?)
[/] I believe in ghosts.
[/] I am online 24/7, even as an away message. (Sorry guys. :P)
[/] I've not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class.
[/] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.
[/] I am really ticklish.
[/] I love white chocolate.
[/] I bite my nails.
[/] I play video games.
[/] I'm good at remembering faces.
[ ] I'm good at remembering names.
[ ] I'm good at remembering dates.
[/] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[/] My answers are totally true.
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.
What Are The Keys To Your Heart? You Have a Choleric Temperament
You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things.
Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life.
You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation.
You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon.
Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall.
You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating power over others.
At your worst, you are a narcissist. Full of yourself and even proud of your faults.
Stubborn and opinionated, you know what you think is right. End of discussion.
A bit of a misanthrope, you often see others as weak, ignorant, and inferior.
What Temperment Are You? :?
How true.
That was fun!
Much love,