Mar 04, 2010 15:23
ugggg back to real life. ren's back in aussie and i won't see him for a few months. ;o; which does made me sad. i can't do 24/7 with him but i miss him when he's gone regardless. (he has these times when he seems super 12yrs old and it's kinda annoying but then he's super awesome other times)
INSANITY workout will recommence soon again. I paused it while ren was here despite feeling fat from eating out so much/so often so I would have more time to do things with him while he was here (an hr of excerise +showering+getting dressed+makeup = lot of hrs in the day gone)
but now im dirt poor again and going to have alot of free time and john being nearby we'll probably be walking alot more in general. I need to get awesome abs or something for summer so I can fit into a japanese swimsuit (they are suuuuppeerrrr cute and i need one since my old one i brought doesn't fit my boobs anymore (sadly too big.)
i can get super hot while renny's gone. enjoy the summer together, etc. (he kinda stayed at my place for a bit while he was here last month and i was starting to get used to having someone else in my place. such a weird feeling and such a tiny box apartment.)
new jobs are awesome. maid cafe is slowly getting more fun as I get better japanese skillz and better at the whole waitressing thing. Smooch is like .. amazingly fun and I get free smoothies~<3 coworkers are nice and super helpful and after these two jobs run their turn I will have all the essential japanese to take any regular japanese part time job. People are amazing.
and BTW anyone have any suggestions for student loans? my mom keeps getting denied credit and well im screwed here. I need a loan. at least for my rent. I can manage 2 part time jobs and deal with say utilites/bills but i can't do both rent n bills. I can't get a roommate (place too small) and moving isn't an option either. I need a stack of $$$. (or rather ¥¥¥)