Nov 14, 2009 07:34
ok so it's a lil early to be posting this since i tend to start my weeks on mondays but i wanted to shout out to myself saying im proud and shocked (in a good way) by my actions.
i've kept on track for only 2 weeks, but then again 2 WEEKS!
yesterday i rode my bike from azabu to shibuya and back. and i delayed my jumping jacks till this morning where i did 2 sets plus 2 abs works (20-30minutes total?)
again it's nothing totally hardcore, but i feel like im slowly getting stronger. FIGHT THE BULGE BITCHES!
for once im not annoyed at excersising and not getting fast results. for once im cool with the concept "every little bit gets me a little be closer to my goal" and everytime i get angry at something or feel like im not skinny i wanna go workout REALLY HARD or something. i imagine myself punching a punching bag and getting sweaty and feeling the lbs melt off.
i don't know what's changed or why my mindset is totally different. maybe it's all this free time alone to myself? (before kyle and john kinda more or less lived at my place every other night)
anywho my next workout day is either monday or sunday. I haven't decided since im busy for once during the day. Maybe an early morning workout?
week 3,