BSG Torn - comments

Nov 06, 2006 16:25

Comments on Torn

Okay, so to start with the shallow:

Lee is thin again, yay! And double yay for gratuitous shirtless scene just to reassure all of us.

And triple yay - Lee and Kara finally had a scene together!

I loved the first five minutes so much. Lee back in a viper. Kara back in a viper. Kara doing something risky and Lee yelling at her about it. Welcome back, old BSG.

Okay, so it isn't quite the same in that the Great Rift is obviously still there between them, but I'm sure it won't last forever. And I didn't expect anything else from them really. After all, I seriously doubt anyone other than Anders knows what Kara's been through, certainly not Lee.

Other comments:

Didn't find the Baltar on the base-star stuff too interesting, I spent most of it waiting to get back to the fleet. Can't wait to find out about the mysterious other 5 models though, although I expect I'll be waiting a long time.

Loved Lee and Helo bonding in the gym. Surprised that Helo wasn't being more friendly towards Kara though - after all she was there for him when he returned from Caprica and the other pilots were shunning him. I wonder if it's either a) some falling out during the missing year or b) some awkwardness caused by his relationship with Sharon v. Kara's current attitude towards Cylons.

Why is Helo still XO anyway? Would have thought it made more sense for Lee to be XO rather than being CAG again (as he appears to be). Still, I'm not going to complain if it means he's actually going to be flying again.

And of course, the Adama-Tigh-Kara scene. Best part of the episode I thought. I love Adama in full hard-core mode - 'just go ahead and shoot me' - heh! They certainly both had it coming. I did think he went too far with the 'you're not a daughter to me any more' comment though. (And it's the worst thing he could say to Kara with all her insecurity issues). However, I'm not particularly surprised by that, because Adama's never been able to separate his personal and professional relationships - see any argument he's ever had with Lee over a professional disagreement, it always degenerates into a personal quarrel. That comment reminded me of 'Home part 1' where Lee's off with Roslin and Adama's going around declaring that he has no son any more.

Well, at least he got Kara to cut her hair :) I didn't like the long hair. Roll on next week!

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