My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulsuffocateinabag goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a Wench.
destr0y tricks you! You get a rotten egg.im_a_moldypeach gives you 13 brown spearmint-flavoured gummy fruits.
kisseveryscar gives you 16 teal banana-flavoured gummy bears.
merchgirlkate gives you 1 green chocolate-flavoured nuggets.
mijhaten gives you 1 purple apple-flavoured gummy bears.
pinkhotel gives you 10 brown cherry-flavoured gummy bears.
sweeby tricks you! You lose 4 pieces of candy!
walkonme gives you 12 red cinnamon-flavoured gummy bears.
welikefishes gives you 17 green watermelon-flavoured gummy fruits.
x_1917_x tricks you! You get a piece of string.suffocateinabag ends up with 66 pieces of candy, a rotten egg, and a piece of string.Another fun meme brought to you by
in other news, my opa passed away today.