(no subject)

May 08, 2005 21:20

current clothing : Dark jeans, green striped shirt, belt, bra, undies
current mood : Pretty good, kinda tired
current taste : Strawberry shortcake
current hair : Down, side-part, straight
current annoyance: My cousin, Kamin Essay
current smell: Air..
current thing you ought to be doing: Physics hw
current jewelry: My hair tie is serving as a bracelet
current book: None
current refreshment : none
current worry : Getting my grades up REAL SOOn
current longing : Boy
current music : 50 Cent- Build You Up
current wish : Good grades/Not so shy @ certain stuff
current lyric in your head : You give me fever...fever when you hold me tight
current makeup : Smeared eyeliner
current undergarments : Pink bra, blue undies w/cows on them :)
current desktop picture : A weird flower thing
current plans for tonight/weekend: Sleep
current cuss word du jour : mm...prolly damn
current disappointment : DUMB PEOPLE, Grades
current amusement : Music, LJ
current IM/person you're talking to : Danielle
current love : HA
current obsession : Jamba, Sunglasses, Summer
current avoidance : Homework/Work of any kind besides track
current thing or things on your wall : Uh..I have a huge shelf thing connected to that with a bunch of ish on it, a pic of new york, three magnetic/dry erase boards
current favorite movie : Hm..I don't know
current regret : Being a lazy BUM and not doing my hw often or cleaning my room
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