I strolled down Memory Lane for this one; a series that I've greatly enjoyed and re-read more than a few times. The average rating for the series is PG, but this is not a child's tale. The writing is wonderful, as are the characters. It's very rare that I'll like original characters that take a large part of a story, but these are written in a way that they don't dominate the story.
Additionally the overall plot which runs across all three stories runs the gamut from nice to astounding. The detail put into what comes to pass and how it happens contains enough reality to counterbalance the lovely dollop of mysticism injected into things. And of course, there's lovely sips of Snape H/C and plenty of angst, together with a long and involved visit with Snape's background. If I keep on about this fanfic I won't be able to stop the rant. Just discussing this makes me want to read it again. :)
All three stories can be found on fanfiction.net from Elsa2's author page:
http://www.fanfiction.net/u/358037/ The stories:
TaniwhaChrysalisKatabatic Cross-posted to