Silencing The Whispers: Snape/Lupin Fic

Jul 15, 2006 21:59

Title: Silencing the Whispers
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, Pansy Parkinson
Summary: Lupin and Snape’s first encounter, Post-Half Blood Prince. A bit of a bloody mess.
Word Count: 4100
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash. Angst. Violence. Language. Adult themes. Sex for the wrong reasons. Excessive dialogue.
Beta Reader: Nzomniac (many thanks)
Disclaimer: I did not create these characters. I do not own them. I do not profit from their use and abuse in any way.
Author's notes: This is my first Snape/Lupin story.  It was written for Master and the Wolf 6th Wave Challenge prompt #15- Severus' first lover, Regulus Black, spent the first nine years of his life doing what Remus did throughout his school years: living in the shadow of Sirius Black. It created similarities between them, and Severus is noticing, and remembering. Regulus can be good/RAB/an initial redemptive influence, and Remus, like his predecessor, inspires Severus to aid the inevitably ungrateful (Post-HBP) world.

Stories can not be reposted until a month after the 6th Wave Challenge ends on 07/31/06.  The link below is to the story posted on Master and Wolf-

Silencing the Whispers
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