I am rebellion against many things! I am rebelling against uni-guilt, coursework stress and essay freakout! I am rebelling against having to be an adult. I might be 20, but I am still a child. I read comic books...call it a graphic novel, and I will have you wearing your testicles around your ears.
There's a song, by My Ruin. I love the words in it. There's one line...
"I'm able to change, so I live without regret,
Without remorse, only a remix.
I'm drunk, and sober.
Heaven doesn't want me,
And Hell's afraid I'll take over.
Don't bother to censor me,
Or shut me up:
Because it won't work!"
See, I should live by those rules. And remember one thing...
If Midnighter can kick arse, so can I!
I end this with a nice picture...enjoy! Midnighter and Apollo from Stormwatch and The Authority.