Jul 28, 2004 17:37
have two words for you: rap sucks. unless of course, it is me and jordan screaming "ONDELE ONDELE MOMMY EI EI UH OH!!" at the top of our lungs. then it's funny. otherwise, i want no part of the "yo yo me and my homies are gonna bust a cap in yo hiney...*beep beep* we're too vulger to be played on the radio, yo *beeeeeeeeeep motha beeeeeeeeeeep*
i don't want that crap played in the vacinity of my house.
i'm sure you want to know what brought this outburst on. hold your horses. see, it was all the pizza dude's fault. he was blaring rap (not like I ever blare anything....riiiiiigt???) from his car. as if that wasn't bad enough, he looked at my dogs, my babies, and said "your dogs are crazy" with this sly little smile and illegal immigrant accent. i wanted to slug him (and say "your music sucks"), but i did the next best thing: i did not respond to his flirtations and acted as disinterested as possible. i think it worked. next time he tries is wigga pretty boy act on me, he's gonna get it. you don't pollute my ears and insult my dogs on the same day. No, no, no.