Application for A_Facility!

Jul 17, 2011 21:46

OOC Information:
Name: Quix
Age: 22
AIM: uncannyArtisan
E-MAIL: merging(dot)duality(at)gmail(dot)com

IC Information:
Name: Karkat Vantas
Fandom: Homestuck
Timeline: Right at the beginning of Hivebent, before he hears about Sgrub, while staring at his neighborhood and thinking ambitious thoughts.
Age: Six sweeps/thirteen human years.

Appearance: Aside from being a bit on the short side, Karkat is pretty average for a troll his age. He's got the gray skin, horns, and black-hair universal to his race, though upon close examination his horns are especially small and nubby and his sharp teeth have just a bit of an overbite. The sclera of his eyes are yellow, with grey irises. His clothing is traditionally exceedingly simple - long sleeved black shirts marked with his grey Cancer symbol, and simple grey pants.

Abilities: Karkat has absolutely no supernatural abilities, though he does have some useful mundane qualities, such as:

Trollness/Stabbability: Troll, in Homestuck canon, have been suggested to be physically tougher than humans in a general sense. This doesn't amount to much - they'll still go down with a good stab through the chest cavity. But it takes them an extremely long time to bleed out from fairly massive injury, and Karkat has been shown to get stabbed in the gut and just kind of shrug it off as an "accident" after bandaging it up. Given the trolls warlike nature, it makes sense that they'd have higher endurance than most humans.

Leadership: Karkat is ambitious, specifically in the pursuit of leading others. In his future, he becomes the leader of the trolls during their Sgrub session, ultimately being the one to keep them from devolving into chaos along the way with stubborn will alone. He's not especially diplomatic or even personable - but he is capable of leading groups with pure, bloody minded persistence. He will not stop yelling and demanding until you follow him, and most people's stamina for resistance is lower than his stamina to keep on nagging.

Threshing: Karkat uses a sickle as a weapon, and he's reasonably competent at using it. As much as one can be with minimal practical experience, anyway. Unlike a post-Sgrub counterpart, most of his fighting experience comes from swinging around his sickle in his room like a dork. He has serious aspirations to become a deadly troll Threshecutioner, though, so he's taken his training reasonably seriously.

Yelling: Karkat has a strong set of a lungs and the desire to yell, and keep yelling, at other people and objects. Forever. This can be good for making people listen to him. It can also be good for making people pointedly ignore him.

Crying: He can also get a pretty good cry on. Kid's emotional. Wait, shit, this isn't really an ability.

Personality: From the outside, Karkat is a foul-mouthed, blustering asshole with a short temper and dubious people skills. From the inside, he's still a foul-mouthed, blustering asshole, but he is a foul-mouthed blustering asshole who cares so very deeply and is filled with so many insecurities it's a wonder he can stand up straight. He's still a dick, of course, but rest assured there is no one that he hates more than he hates himself.

His aggressions towards other people functions like a defense mechanism, because once you get legitimately tangled up in his life it's hard for him to let go. He's passionate about everything he does, whether it's hating, pitying, being sad, or afraid. One thing he has trouble playing his cards on the table about, however, is his affection for other people - he's always reluctant to admit to positive feelings out of fear of eventual rejection.

All in all, Karkat is a dick with a really insecure heart of gold, and uniquely capable of forming inferiority complexes against himself.

History: Karkat is a troll, raised on the planet of Alternia. Despite some outward familiarities to humans, growing up a troll is a harsh, lethal experience, and despite the large number of grubs hatched every sweep, only a few will ever make it to adulthood.

At first the young troll and their lusus live together in the caves, but eventually they venture to the surface, where a construction drone awaits each young troll that emerges. They are free to choose a spot of land, and proceed to design their own home (or "hive" as they call them) which the drone then builds and leaves to assist another youth. This is the closest thing to care from an adult troll a child can expect to experience on Alternia. Besides those first moments, trolls are left to raise themselves with the help of their lusus. There are no adults on Alternia, and the culture is entirely maintained and driven by the young.

A troll can expect to spend the first seven or so sweeps of their life like this (a solar sweep amounting to roughly 2.2 human years), provided they survive. Trolls live fundamentally by the laws of survival of the fittest, and deaths and cullings are not uncommon or surprising. The hemospectrum (the blood colour-based caste system their culture runs on) and the common blood's predisposition to psionic abilities only make things more dangerous. Still, young trolls aren't left wanting as they grow, and seem to have their base needs accounted for when it comes things like tools, food, and technology.

Karkat grew up this way and, for the most part, lived his life as your average troll. There was one key difference, though. Unlike the rest of his peers, he was born a mutant - or a mutant blood colour, at least. The natural troll hemospectrum only extends as far down as a deep red maroon, whereas Karkat's blood was a bright candy red. Knowing he'd be culled for this trait if it was ever discovered, he hid behind the anonymity of grey text and a grey symbol. It worked - for the time being. But despite the tense inaction of his childhood years, he knew that one day he'd be forced to join the ranks of the Alternian army, and at that point nothing as flimsy as "blood anonymity" would protect him.

Which sucked, because Karkat was was ambitious. He wanted to lead, he wanted to be somebody. He wanted to become one of the elite and deadly troll threshecutioners. But despite his hopes, he inwardly realized these were things he would likely never have. Not with blood like his.

In the end, though, he would be saved by tragedy - the complete destruction of his home world kind of tragedy. The entire troll species died out, save Karkat and his eleven other friends as they entered a trans-dimensional, universe-creating game called Sgrub. Karkat would become there leader, and guide them through its challenges, and be the glue that kept them from falling apart. They would go on to win the game and create a universe, only to be stopped from claiming their final reward by a omnipotent demon named Jack Noir.

But unfortunately for Karkat, from his point in the timeline none of this has happened yet. From his entry point, he has no clue what Sgrub is, or anything but an inkling of the leader he would become. In fact, he has absolutely no clue about anything at all.

Roleplay Sample - Log:

Karkat woke up confused. Angry, too, of course. But waking up angry was a daily ordeal for him, and hardly something worth taking note of.

His first impression of the place that was everything was intolerably bright. White walls, white floor, and...well, okay. Serviceable decor. Aside from the recuperacoon and the amenities, it was kind of what he'd personally imagined the inside of an Alternian captivity cell. He deeply regretted the fact that that was something he'd ever been forced to deeply contemplate, but when one was under constant threat of being captured and culled, this kind of thing routinely sprang to mind.

Needless to say, the comparison didn't really do much for his peace of mind. Not when the first, easiest assumption was that his day had finally come and the Empire had finally decided to put him out of his misery for good.

But why would they even bother holding him, let along knocking him out or whatever the fuck had just happened? And more importantly - why was the fucking door open?

Karkat swore softly under his breath, hand on the knob. Now that some of the initial confusion was clearing, fear was predictably sneaking right up to take its place. No, he wasn't going to just curl up and cry like a wriggler about this. That was the kind of thing a cowardly shit-head would do. Which he wasn't. No, he was just going to open this door and find out just what the fuck was waiting outside to kill him.

"Oh, fuck my life," he muttered, and threw it open.

Roleplay Sample - Journal:

-cking piece of fucking - fuck!

[There's a flash of black hair and orange horns as the speaker apparently realizes he doesn't have time for the camera the very moment he turns it on. In the movement that follows, it's kind of hard to tell where they are - the camera angle is shaky and unfocused, like the one behind the lens is trying to win a marathon while holding it. Besides the sound of air and the microphone being fumbled about, all one can hear is a stream of hissed curse words and references to some disturbing, insectoid biology.]

[It'd a few second before they seem to find a good place to talk, and when they do the camera swings back up to see a confused and angry looking Karkat Vantas.]

Fuck it. Fuck everything. This is happening now whether you mucus slurping fucktards like it or not.

[He addresses the screen more pointedly now.]

SO GUESS WHAT, ASSHOLES? Yes, I mean you - whoever's primitive, grub-fingered hands are at the literal or figurative steering wheel here. It's your lucky day, because you have just made the worst mistake of your whole goddamn lives.

Because I don't know if you're just new to the galaxy and still scratching your unbearably thick skulls at the fucking territorial map, but we're kind of a big deal around here? Fuck, I'm a big deal around here. I will personally savage you like an entire nest of acid wasps, their home suddenly set ablaze, so that not only are they furious they are now also literally on fire. I will rip out your viscera and use them to line the sectors of my recreational hive combs. Do you hear me? I WILL FUCK YOU UP.

And that's forgetting the big picture. Do you see what you're dealing with here? Now look at that swarm, times it by five billion, and imagine it taking the time to personally regurgitate their deadly internal acids into your waking food rations every day all day for the rest of your miserable lives!

Scared? That's what I thought. Now - I want out of this creepy white death maze, I want this collar removed, and I want to go back to my own godforsaken planet before the fleet has to get involved. Is this fucking understood?

Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here.
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