I also find the fact that Katfish 'Diddn't' remember me humorous. How the fuck could she not? I sent her two lots of hate mail for fucks sake. That kind of effort deserves SOME kind of recognition!
Re: wooooooooooooooopsuffer_moreNovember 15 2004, 00:19:10 UTC
Bahahaha! Good shizzle! Skoota ma hunny! You should come to Skuldom on the 27th i think it is. I be there with some of my hamilton mungerals. I know... skuldom... how bogan of me.. *Hangs head in shame* :P
Re: skuldoooomy lovinsuffer_moreNovember 15 2004, 11:26:43 UTC
Are they your mates? Goodies. I was just joking around, what i've heard is pretty sweet. Don't know much if any tho. You should come, and introduce us to the band cos my mates into them hardout. He just brought a kick ass Skuldom Shirt. But be there!! Why is martin the drummer an asshole?
And Haze is my good mate Skanky Marty. My lj friends are used to your random comments by now and can pick them up a mile away - YOUR TO PREDICTABLE :P :P hehe.
who is this?
Yes I've got something to put in you,
at the Gay Bar.
Lets Start A War.
Start a Nuclear War.
You're a superstar.
at the gay bar, gay bar, gay bar.
Good shizzle!
Skoota ma hunny! You should come to Skuldom on the 27th i think it is. I be there with some of my hamilton mungerals.
I know... skuldom... how bogan of me.. *Hangs head in shame* :P
I was just joking around, what i've heard is pretty sweet. Don't know much if any tho. You should come, and introduce us to the band cos my mates into them hardout. He just brought a kick ass Skuldom Shirt. But be there!! Why is martin the drummer an asshole?
And Haze is my good mate Skanky Marty. My lj friends are used to your random comments by now and can pick them up a mile away - YOUR TO PREDICTABLE :P :P hehe.
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