Nov 19, 2003 19:54
No woman ever falls in love with a man unless she has a better opinion of him than he deserves.
~Ed Howe
WELL said. lemme say that again. WELL SAID. cuz we all know he doesn't deserve, well, anything, really. there's a limit to stupidity, tactlessness, and inconsiderate-ness (is that a word? nm. i don't care). or at least i thought there was. apparantly there isn't. unless he's the only one setting those records.
did anything happen? nope. maybe that's what's wrong.
and if ANYBODY says ANYTHING about how maybe i should try, lemme just tell you. i'm THROUGH. i do my part. and i can only do my part. like band, i can't do it for the other ppl. you don't want to? don't. but don't say you do. if you wanna quit, quit! but provide the courtesy of letting the other party know that you're giving up.
and i so am over it. over that, anyways. i still can't get over how wrong i can be about some people. i thought i had better taste than that. apparantly not.
i mean, who are you supposed to trust, from this point on? if the ppl you thought you could trust you couldn't, who's to say that my judgement's right now?
and when i say there's no decent guys, i don't mean that. there's at least 3. i think. haha. you can guess at who.
stolen from rina (in an effort to procrastinate app-ing. AGAIN)
[x] They call me: a variety of things
[x] Also: more dumb nicknames. dumb. but funny. kinda.
[x] Sex: a female. thank god!
[x] My first breath of air: june eleventh, nineteen-eighty-six
[x] Age: 17
[x] Status: ... figure it out
[x] Occupation: student
[x] Nationality: chinese-american
[x] Best friend: more than one. and they know who they are! ^.^ (to them: thanks. for everything. love you lots) ... i love the rest of you too!!
[x] Most memorable memory: let's not talk about that
[x] Worst?: let's not talk about that either
[x] First word uttered: don't remember
[x] First bestfriend ever!?: don't remember
_______FAST FORWARD_______
[x] Future resident of: somewhere cool. either in the middle of nowhere where it's gorgeous. or in the city. or maybe just in a boring suburban place.
[x] Wedding: big OR small. but very cool. with nice dressess. and good food. and lots of flowers. and the ppl i love. to a nice guy (THERE'S an oxymoron)
[x] Children: older boy, younger girl. with age difference of around 2. if not, then two girls.
[x] Looking forward to: college
[x] NOT looking forward to: a lot of things
[x] Feeling: kinda annoyed
[x] Listening: rockapella. since i can't BE at the concert
[x] Talking to: david zhang. who's telling me about a new aim feature
[x] Doing: pretending to be app-ing
[x] Thinking of: trying to decide how nice/mean i am
[x] Craving: the reassurance that nice guys do exist.
[x] Missing: my fountainhead book. rather. kalvin's fountainhead book. it BETTER be in my room
[x] Hating: ::ahem:: i don't HATE anything.
[x] Song: let's see, for the first time, because you loved me, the prayer, to where you are, if you're not the one, have you ever been in love, evergreen, truly madly deeply... and that's all i remember right now
[x] Radio station: 94.5, 96.5, 106.5, 101.3
[x] Tv show: EVERWOOD w/ a super gorgeous 20-year-old guy. one tree hill. what the HELL was up w/ the ending of that episode????
[x] Movie: pretty woman, the rock, pirates of the carribean, finding nemo
[x] Actor: guy? sean connery. george clooney. gregory smith. and can't forget heath ledger
[x] Character: ?
[x] Book: fountainhead
[x] Love is: nonexistent
[x] First love: you know who you are
[x] Current love: well, i wouldn't say love. JUST KIDDING!!!
[x] Love or lust?: i don't believe in lust. for me.
[x] Best love song: too many.
[x] Is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person @ the same time?: no.
[x] When love hurts, you: go through a cycle of being cool with it, being sad, and being hurt
[x] True or false, "All you need is love": well. i'm functioning FINE w/o it. so ovbviously, not true
[x] Is there such thing as love @ first sight?: nope
_______MALE SPECIES_______
--> i guess only girls take these survey things, huh? hahaha...
[x] Turn ons: nice eyes, smile. personality. ability to have fun. sweetness. hands.
[x] Turn offs: why don't you find a bio on [insert name here]. egos. super "i have to be macho"-ness.
[x] Does your parent's opinion on your bf/gf matter to you?: not really
[x] What kinda hair style?: anything that looks good.
[x] The sweetest thing a member of the opposite sex can do for you?: to do something unexpected. and little.
[x] Where do you go to meet new people?: i don't go looking... me neither
[x] Are you the type of person to ‘holler' and ask for numbers?: NO WAY.
[x] Can you swim?: i hope so.
[x] What's your most embarrassing moment?: dunno
[x] What's under your bed?: nothing
[x] What are you scared of?: being completely wrong in my outlook on ppl
[x] What kinda roof is over your head?: a dry one
[x] Internet connection: CABLE
[x] Last dentist visit: dunno. within six months
[x] Last phone call: beats me
[x] Last IM: dunno.