Nov 14, 2006 07:30
I haven't been intentionally ignoring my lj account but it is really just that not a great deal has been happening in my life as of lately. Mainly it has been because I'm trying to watch my financial situation, keep up to date with job hunting and household chores.
Unfortunately, with Christmas coming up my outgoing are actually exceeding my incomings so I'm relying heavily on my savings to get on with Christmas shopping. I got Ewan a huge megabloks man-o-war pirate ship and I only have one thing left to get him and that's a the Lego Stars Wars 2 game. I don't spend a fortune on my son, he has tons and tons of toys and lets face it, my income is limited right now. But it does burn me that some of my friends go way over the top at Christmas and some of them spend over £200 per child at Christmas. Is it me or is that just spoiling them rotten? But of course, Ewan compares himself to this and I refuse to get drawn into that game. In fact, some of his friends just get things all year round.
Job hunting has been going slow. I saw my lone parent advisor the other week and she looked over my C.V. and gave me some other pointers about job hunting and mentioned calling up non-profit organizations for volunteer work within school hours. So I did call up a few like Mencap and they sent information for care work instead. They seemed to be missing the point. I don't know what is going on in this world any more but people's communication skills and listening skills are crap these days. But still I keep trying. Its hard to keep motivated all the time especially when its cold out now. Personally, if I could stay home for a few more weeks I wouldn't have a problem with that. Lately I've not been sleeping very well and I am tired of feeling tired all the time.