Home again, home again...

Aug 05, 2008 18:26

Have had a few days away at the other end of the country for a little bit of pampering and R&R.  Was lovely.  Looked at countryside, was stuffed with calories at every opportunity and saw people I love spending time with.  Difficulties were being so goddamn fragile still.  Likelihood is we'll need to up the meds and I need to bulk up more.  I usually do a lot of walking, I like walking, and it's so piggin' frustrating to be reduced to crawling along at snail's pace trying to suck in breath.  But all will be well again...

Am going to spend the rest of the evening eating sausage and mash, resisting the urge to be snarky to strangers making inappropriate assumptions and finishing updates to
tubewhore and
tea_and_crumpet that are woefully behind due to being so fuzzy, tired and ill.
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