Unusual Species

Jun 16, 2008 14:27

Albert continues on his killing spree.

Got home about 11 last night from a weekend away, and Mum was standing in the doorway of their cottage cuddling said Ferocious Killer.  'Come and see what he killed this weekend' she said, with proud glee at her baby's prowess, as she took me round to the bins at the back of the cottage.  She lifted the lid off the bin with a flourish liken to that of a maitre de uncovering a particularly fine dish to reveal  the corpse of a very startled looking squirrel.  Death in the form of Albert really took the poor fuzzy-tailed rat  by  surprise.  Imagine him getting to the afterlife, scratching his head and saying to the other squirrels 'what the fuck just happened?'

But that's not all!  Looking less startled and more damned pissed off was a frigging stoat.  Fabulous little animal, and from the look on its face, it didn't go into that great good night at all peacefully.   I've only ever seen one once, zipping across a road late at night, moving with sinewey speed and grace.  Seemed to awful to consign it to the trash, so have stuck him in the freezer next to the pork loins and have made arrangements to have him stuffed.  As the only speaking part I've ever had in any school play was as Chief Weasel in Toad of Toad Hall, I am having him done in an human pose with a top hat, cane and monocle!  Sad that the only way I've seen one up close is either with a Bill Oddie commentary or dead...did pick him up to look at its little paws and face..and ok, did confess I was making 'roaw pftt phtt' noises and threatening mum with beastie...now what was that Saki short story about the little boy who worshipped his pet ferret/stoat as a god? As yes... Sredni Vastar.  Hmmm...maybe I should have a little Sredni stoat instead as a household totem???

Actually I need to check whether it is a stoat, or its cousin the Least Weasel...I love that, not the 'Lesser Weasel', or 'the Short-Tailed Weasel, which is the American term for the stoat, but the Least Weasel...sounds like the title of a kid's book about the little ferret that could...

It's a source of much intrigue as to just what that  cat is going to drag in next!

EDIT: oooOOooo - blimey, there's an audio file of Shredni Vashtar being read as a Late night Story by...Tom Baker!!!  Fantastic!

Linkage: http://www.fulldls.com/files-ebooks-358421.htm (clicky linky)l
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