Dec 06, 2005 21:19

Alright i know i haven't done an actual update in like

First i want to thank EVERYONE for all the birthday shout outs and all the wonderful cards!!! You girls are the best and i'm very lucky to have each of you part of my life!!!

Lets see sunday we celebrated my birthday with my family and it was a great time. We had snow, so my brother brought over a sled to take the boys on it and they had a They were laughing and sreaming the entire time, i was rolling..

I was off work monday and tuesday, so that was really nice:) Monday i decided to finally put the christmas tree up and then i went over to brooke's for awhile to give her one of her christmas I finally started my christmas I'm so slacking in the holiday mood this year, but hey i still have 19 days to get into Then today my sister took me to lunch at don pablos it was yummy and then some of my friends from work took me to eat at the outback:) YUMMY I was so excited for my steak and of course i had to have 2

Well i need to get back to my christmas Again thank you for all the shout outs and kind words from everyone, you all really made my day:)

Love ya
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