Jul 31, 2008 22:38
Meh, I feeling slightly down again. *shrugs* but whatever... Maybe I need to take another hiatus from the internets. Yeah... that really sounds like a good idea.
So to my healthy-thing. An update: ... ummm not really going well on day one ^^;
I actually played DDR for about an hour and some minutes (Yes that counts as exercise)... but then... we had pizza. I drank a soda and had a candy bar, but the soda and the candy bar I don't really set being a back step.
...I think we need more water in the house. I mean as in bottled water because~ I can't stand the taste of our tap water and the filtered water tastes like well... the filter used to filter it.
And now, on to FFV ... or TV ... whatever
filtered water,