Apr 10, 2008 01:48
XD So the countdown begins. 8 pages in 11 hours. Can I do it? I certainly hope so (Could probably use sleep in there somewhere, too).
I just went to Walgreens with Robyn and Alex. Bought Pringles, a 12 pack of Mountain Dew, two candy bars, and a container of French Onion Dip. Came back, consumed the French Onion Dip(and chips) with help from Alex, ate one of the candy bars, and drank two cans of pop(working on the third one). so hopefully, I'll be able to stay up for a while on this paper. XDDD
It was sad. Before going to Walgreens, I was so hyper. XDD I guess I might be excited about writing this paper, so we'll see what happens.
Edit (3:03): Half a page done. Introduction Complete. Ten hours remaining.
Edit (4:18): Page and a half complete. Introduction and half of first point. Less than Nine hours remaining
Edit (5:00): Page and three-fourths complete. Introduction, first point, and part of second point. 8 hours remaining. ... Need to step up the pace.
Edit (6:00): Two Pages and a half complete. Introduction, First point, second point, and part of third point. 7 hours remaining. Let's see... need 5 and 1/2 done in 7 hours.
Edit (7:00): Three Pages. Introduction, First point, second point, third point complete. 6 hours remaining.
Edit (8:05): Three and a Third pages. Introduction, First point, second point, third point, and part of fourth point complete. 5 hours remaining. Sue think's she's gotten behind.
Edit (9:00): Five and a fourth pages complete. Introduction, First point, second point, third point, and nearly all of fourth point complete. 4 hours remaining. Sues's status: Not too happy how this paper is turning out. Believes she's going to get a horrible grade on it, but hopes that she'll get higher than a 60%. Dislikes her topic, Dislikes her defense of her topic, and after she get's this page done, she thinks she's going to sleep until 10.
Edit (10:18): Five and a half pages comeplete. Introduction, First point, second point, third point, fourth point complete. Less than 3 hours remaining.
Edit (11:05) seven pages done. All complete except for just a little bit more to go. Again I have the feeling that my professors are going to kill me for this... I'm sorry you have to read it too cause it really is crappy! 2 hours left.
Edit (11:57): Seven and a quarter pages done. All Complete except for conclusion. 1 hour left.
research paper,