
Dec 14, 2009 21:58

I have a sore arse.

Don't worry, its nothing too serious, I just slipped on some ice this moring :/.
Its been one of those days today, where I just seem to be a fart in a trance.

Is that the saying? I dunno. Sounded right in my head.

Good thing was, I did Outcome 3 for Creative Industries. Its taken me ages, but its done. Yay.
Do you know how good it feels that I have done something productive?
I will be up till early hours in the morning doing my Design in Context stuff. I have a power point presentation and my sketchbook to finish. Then, I'll plan my essay, and type it up tomorrow morning. Then the rest of the day is Vis Comms. Then I just have 2 classes to do.

Gillian's which will take not very long at all.
Then the rest of my time will be spent on my Graphic Design project, which has to be finished on Friday.

Sounds like a plan, I just have to stick to it.
Which I am useless at, to be honest.

Will maybe have a super-stress blog later.
Maybe, lol.

colleye, class, hooray, project

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