That weekend feeling again

Nov 15, 2009 16:56

Had Sarah's party last night, and it was pretty fun. :)

Got a wee bit hammered and had no sleep, but still fun. I was histerically laughing at a Christmas Pudding in Sarah's kitchen, and I can not for the life of me understand why it was so funny. But me and Paul were chatting in the kitchen, and I couldn't stop laughing. lol. I'm a wierdo.

I think I may have got an hours sleep, when I think about it. Was lying on the couch whilst Dale and Reilly watched tv. Also been chatting to Rachel, a girl I went to Vet Nursing with in Glasgow. We were quite close, and she randomly added me today. So she's maybe coming down to Dunfermline so might get to see her. Which will be so nice. I like meeting old friends as well as new ones. :)

lol, party, friends

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