Daily Update 3

Mar 25, 2021 12:34

Another day, another dollar.
I’m a bit tired. I am 4 hours into my shift, and it’s been quiet so far. The job I am on is sortation, where we sort out where in the warehouse items are going.

We don’t generate much work normally. The conveyor belt runs from our area, to the other side of the warehouse, where the items are actually stored. And a lot of the time that conveyor doesn’t work. So we have to move a lot of the stock around manually, on trolleys, to another part of the conveyor that does work. It is Labour intensive, so we have a group of 6-7 people working in our area on a normal day. So that if things go wrong, we can deal with it quickly.

Not every day is like that though. And today, the conveyor seems to be working okay. And we don’t have much work to sort through. So, it may be a long afternoon ahead. I hope we get some work in.

day, 2021, daily update, work

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