Daily Blog 19: Catch-up

Jun 26, 2018 22:12

Due to issues with mental health over the last couple of months, I have completely fell behind in my IT course. Luckily, it is only 10 hours  week, so, I hope I can get my head down and study for 3 hours a day for a few weeks and catch up. Hopefully. It is due by the 12th of July, which is about 2 weeks. So I really need to focus.

It is not as bad as I am fearing, I just need to get my head down and get on with it. The problem with open learning is that because it is all online, it is very easy to ignore it. As if not opening the site, makes the problem go away. That, of course, is not true. I am just being daft. But, today, I decided that I just need to get on with things. Procrastination is nobody's friend.

I did 3 hours today, and made a start on my assessment, which are all good things. I have to go to work tomorrow, but it will all be fine. Later in the week, I start looking after Zak my friend's dog, but I just need to let him out on the way home from work, maybe take him for a wee walk. It is something that might be good for me, during such a time of high stress.

Wish me luck. I need it. 

focus, diary, uni, 2018, daily blog, work

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