Daily Post

Nov 01, 2016 22:01

I made the choice a few weeks ago to try WeightWatchers again. Now, I have always thought that paying a fee to eat properly, was a bit daft. And when I tried it earlier this year, I failed within weeks, so decided the process was a scam.

The thing is, I weigh my heaviest, so I need to do something. I have been working on my mental health a lot, like trying to recognise when I feel low or stressed, and trying to minimise the effect. It sounds silly. But if I can take myself out of a stressy situation, I know it can make things a lot better.

I then started the gym a few months back, and that was a major boost to me. I felt like I could sweat out all the bad stuff, and although it sounds stupid, it actually helped. So because I was in a better place, and because so many people I know swear by it, I tried weight watchers again.


So far so good. I am starting my third week, and I am still tracking, still doing everything daily. Which is good. It's easy when You have a bad day, to forget the app and plans exist, and ignore them for a few days. But I have been making an effort to try and note everything I eat, regardless whether I am over or under my target. And it is working. I am making conscious decisions to make better choices with food. Which is rather empowering.

The big help is that the app for weight watchers has a social media aspect now, called connect. And, well, I am a social media addict, so of course that was a hit with me. But it's good, because it gives you the benefit of the community, without attending the meetings (which I can't do because of work).

Feeling pretty optimistic, so fingers crossed.

2016, update, life, weightloss, diet, change, daily post, weightwatchers

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