Sicky McSickSick

Oct 07, 2016 22:20

I feel like crap. Have done for the last few days. I have a bad head cold, which isn't too bad. But when I am at work, it feels 10 times worse. It is all that recycled air, and being in close contact with lots of people, who all have varying degrees of the cold or flu. It means, I was fine on Wednesday, and yesterday I was dying. But, I am trying to keep warm and stuff myself with medicine. Hopefully it leaves soon.

My work has been okay, other than catching the plague. I have been busy, but fast. Which is what I needed this week, fast days. Not heard back from my driving instructor yet. Kind of want to book my next test, but I cant book if I dont have the car. *uch* I hate waiting on other people. I am so bloody impatient. I want to have passed my test by Christmas, at least.

health, sick, 2016, work

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