Trying to Make It Work

Apr 19, 2016 22:32

There is going to be a few changes going on around here over the next few days hopefully.
Trying to get everything online working a bit better. I use a lot of social media type accounts, and have found that they all have an individual reason as to why I use them.

I have already shared my video that I made today, on here. I wanted to make a video, and I wanted to get stuff done. Usually I do to-do lists. But this past weekend, doing that hasn't worked. So. I thought I'd try to film little clips of my day, and it did encourage me on. It was kind of like hitting several birds with one stone, and I got to go out for a walk too. Which was nice.

You might notice that I changed my blog title. I have been swithering on whether to do this for months, but I feel like it fits in with everything else I have now. Like, it fits where I am now, as I use the name on all my social media and stuff. I had to pay to get it done, but I did that on Xbox Live,as it helps me feel better. I don't know why. It's some organisation thing that sometimes triggers my anxiety. But I feel all relaxed now everything is all uniformed.

I am aware, I sound like a total tube. At least I am a happy tube. LOL

weekend, 2016, update, social networking, change, name, busy, blog

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