I Lost The Post Button

Feb 21, 2016 23:02

Yeah, forgot to post again. I want to say sorry, but that implies that I am full of regret. I'm not. The last week has been brilliant. And as such, I really haven't had the feeling to post. Nothing to complain about, you see.

Well, obviously the first thing is that I actually met Good Charlotte in Glasgow. Proper meet and greet, lots of cuddle, selfies, questions and private performance. Like it was unreal.

GC were playing in Glasgow, supporting All Time Low. And, even now, I am struggling to find the words to describe how I feel about it. It's almost like it was all a dream and the photo above was a photoshop job. I am so happy it happened, and I wrote about it over on my other blog at www.sueriot.com.

Work was a really good week. I got to learn how to work the evacuation chair at work, which involves sitting someone in a special chair and pushing them down the stairs. A mixture of gravity and the 'slides' on the bottom of the chair allows it to be pushed down bump-free. Well, it was bump-free after a few attempts.

And today I went to see Deadpool, finally. And it is the best Marvel film to date. Deadpool is one of my favourite comic characters as he is so bloody sassy. And Ryan Reynolds is the best person ever to play Wade Wilson. Though, I would say, if you don't like swears, violence, breaking the fourth wall and sex scenes, don't watch it. It's fantastic, and so funny.

But that's the highlights of my week or so. I am now sitting in bed, watching The Big Bang Theory. I am going shopping tomorrow, need new jeans and have new shoes to pick up, so I'm going to call it a night. I hope anyone reading this has a had a good weekend.

2016, good charlotte, recap, tv, deadpool, work, gc, first aid

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