
Oct 20, 2015 12:11

So I have been updating nothing over the last few weeks. I went away to Portugal to watch the Gibraltar v Scotland game in Faro, and then I have been just trying to get back into work. The joys of coming back from holiday is that work seems so long, and you spend your time wishing you were still on holiday.

Portugal was so good. It was like 25 degrees every day. Even when it rained, it was fine to walk around, cause it was nice and warm. It was like a warm summer day here in Scotland. The beaches were lovely, and there was lots of partying. We stayed in Albufiera which is very touristy.Lots of pubs, clubs and tourist shops. We went to ZooMarine one day, which was fun, but all the water park had salt water. Now, when I swim I swallow a lot of water, so it was something I had to try and not do. But it was great, as was the flumes. It was fun, but I made the mistake of googling the park after we went, and felt a bit sick about the dolphins used in the shows. Some where caught in the wild, and the normal exhibition pools are really small. But they say that Portuguese people used to eat a lot of dolphin, and thanks to the profile of the dolphins in the park, this is no longer the case. They do also rescue native animals, like fish and turtles, and rehabilitate them. Whilst I don't doubt the trainers and worker have good intentions, but I did leave the park feeling a bit conflicted.

We also went on a visit to a 'gypsy market' in a town called Loule, which was something a bit different. Although it all felt a bit Sunday Market, as whilst there was local things, there was a lot of knock-off stuff. Like cheap bags with a Chanel logo stuck on it. It was not what we expected, despite the bus driver saying it was 'below Primark' quality. We then wondered to the other side of Loule and there was a food market, like over 60 fish stalls. Freshly caught that morning, fish. The prawns were massive, and the squid was bigger than me. And the fruit there was so delicious. But people there are saying that they are feeling the bite of supermarkets like Aldi and Lidl. Healthy food was always the priority in Portugal, but now these supermarkets come and undercut all the native markets. It's super sad to know that capitalism effects everywhere. Those Kiwi fruits and bananas were still the best thing I ate out there.

Obviously, the main reason I went out was the football, to party with the Tartan Army. Unfortunately by the time the match came around, Scotland had already played Poland in Glasgow. We drew that match and were then out of the qualifying, so the Gibraltar match meant nothing. But over 10,000 of us were in Portugal, so we were ready for a party, regardless. Estadio de Algarve was near Faro, and it was strange. It was built for a previous tournament, but hadn't really been used since. So for the European qualifiers, Gibraltar used it as they didn't have a ground fit for purpose themselves. It was so busy, but despite warning of breathalysing fans, everyone got through the security no bother. We got in just in time for the anthems. And if you question supporting your country in any sport, sitting in the ground singing the national anthem with thousands of fans makes it worth it. Flower of Scotland has never made me so proud as it did at that moment. The match was good, and Scotland won 6-0. Considering it was Gibraltars first competitive tournament, we were expected to win, but that didn't stop the party. We went back to a karaoke bar, which had a Tartan Army take over. Was so much fun.

I'm now back in the cold, the holiday is well and truly over. But it was superb, and we are booked up for Malta next year. The first match in the qualifying for World Cup 2018. Bring it on. Cannae wait

2015, portugal, holiday, tartan army, scotland, football

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