
Aug 31, 2015 10:28

I've been trying to concentrate on the here and now recently. Whilst that has meant that I when I have had bad days, I have properly felt shit. Tears and snot all over the place. But when another day comes, I have been focused on that day only. Like, trying to not look back, and not focus on what might happen next. Because both the past and the future have a habit of making me feel a bit anxious.

So it is just me, and what I am doing today. What I have done right. I got up early, already had breakfast and started on the big pile of laundry. Considering it is only 10.30, that is a good achievement, or that is what I am trying to tell myself anyways. If I can boost myself up with insignificant things, there is sometimes more of a chance I will do okay throughout the day.

Fingers crossed, I have a busy day ahead of me. Windows are open to let in fresh air, and I have a J-pop playlist on. I may have to nip down to the shops to get some more detergent for laundry, but I shall look at that in the next hour or so. Here is hoping that this feeling lasts the whole day for a change.

2015, motivation, rambling, mental health

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