So Done

Jul 25, 2015 15:59

I am at work, and having one of those days where work feels like the last thing you should be doing. I still have that cough from months ago, and the doctor is beyond useless. And last night, the coughing was so bad that I barely got any sleep. As a result, I am Ms Crabbypants today.

Work has been rubbish too. Doing the transfers from other Warehouses and it is just a mess. There is some interesting items, like I love seeing all the different books, but everything is all mixed up. Like, some of the items have to go in so many different parts of the building. They aren't sent in groups of say food products and high value products. It's just EVERYTHING TOGETHER, and it is so annoying.

Thankfully this is the last Saturday I'm working till the end of August. I am just trying to focus on that. If I can. Hope anyone reading this is having a great day.

2015, health, personal, work

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