Coffee wanker

Jul 06, 2015 13:39

Killing time in Starbucks, so I thought that I'd do something productive with it. I have been posting a bit hap-hazardly recently, due to feeling like utter shit. The kind of shit where i don't want to 'talk about it', I just want to hide and pretend nothing is wrong.

Everyone gets like that, so I'm trying to tell myself that it's okay. But it doesn't really help. I have been cutting myself off from people, and just not thinking about being me. I bring myself down, so the easiest thing sometimes, is to try and not bring anyone else down to my level. Cause that's what I feel i do, just bum people out.

Buy that's why I have been not updating as much as I should have. Just don't want to bum anyone else out. But, it's a new day, a new week, so trying to force myself out of this feeling. It's a thing that sometimes works, but sometimes it doesn't. Hopefully it goes okay.

2015, depressed, bad feelings, meh, moan

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