Out of Fashion

Jun 17, 2015 23:54

Sorry the updates have been a little haphazardly lately. Other than being sick, and trying to work, I have been doing very little. Well, nothing worth writing about, anyway. It's a bit like when you don't see a friend for a long time, and when you have to tell each other 'what you have been doing', the answer is always 'not much'. It's like I want to let the world know nothing serious happened, but then the monotony of daily life is not something I want to go into any detail about, the first time I have written for a while. I just kind of fell off a bit.

I am back, and a bit stressed. I have obviously written before on how I have struggled with a cough/virus over the last few months. I think that it is finally going away. Which is good, I am feeling like I am getting back to my normal working capacity. The problem is that I have been trying to work whilst I was sick. The issue with that, is that I wasn't working to my full capacity, so I was missing targets. Something people get pulled up for disciplinary meetings. Something my manager said he was going to cover for me, because I had a valid reason for struggling, so I was told that everything would freeze, and I wouldn't get in any trouble. Guess who didn't keep their word? And, guess who has a disciplinary tomorrow? I have been told that nothing serious will happen, but it is still something on my permanent record when all I have done is my best. I am fuming about, to be honest.

And that isn't all. I was watching a program about super-obesity last week, and how two people were trying to lose weight, after being housebound for years. It was really inspirational. So I ventured online with my own weight and height measurements and decided to see how overweight I was. I knew it wasn't going to be happy news, but when I read that I was obese, I got a bit upset. I mean, I have always been chubby or fat, but I didn't think I was that bad. After looking more into what obesity causes, like joint pain and exaserbating mental health issues. So I thought that I would try and get a bit healthy by watching what I eat. I snack all the time, and that is the main problem. When I have tried to lose weight before, I think that I have just looked at the numbers, and they didn't really mean anything. So, hopefully, by actually looking into how benifiical it is for me, I can be successful. I even made a Youtube video on it. (I might regret that one later.) So since I turned over this new leaf, last week, I have struggled meal to meal. And today, with me stressing over work, I ate a bloody Twix. After being bang on target for the rest of the day, I flopped at the end. I was so stressed about it, something I have never done before. But then I thought, if I am taking it one meal at the time, then I should validate the meals where I was good, as much as the bad. And it's made me feel better, to keep on going. And not give up like I usually do.

2015, health, diet, obese, work

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